Page 85 of His Pet
I start to feel silent rage being put off beside me, and I turn to face Syrus. His muscles are tensed and flames dance in his eyes, but his face remains in an impassive mask. It reminds me of Lorenzo.
I haven’t heard Syrus speak yet, and it dawns on me as I stare at him now. He’s kept silent, even as Valentine tries to goad him. The only difference between him and me right now is while I keep my head low, he holds his high, staring at no one. Showing nothing.
I spot subtle movement of his arms and look to see him rubbing at the zip ties the same way I am.
Smart man.
“What the fuck!?” Jeremiah yells, waving a hand at Nemma. “He’s going to see her face!”
“So what?” Nico snaps. “It’ll be too late. As soon as he steps foot in this house, he’s as good as dead. So shut the fuck up and stop looking out the window. If either of them spot you,you’reas good as dead.”
So that’s why Nemma isn’t bound. They want her to open the door, luring her own sons into a trap.
Jeremiah scowls but lets the curtain fall back into place.
Valentine moves his glare to Syrus.
“You’re awfully quiet, old man.”
Syrus doesn’t respond, even with a look, and Valentine sneers. He walks over to the fireplace and picks up a picture frame off the mantle. “I don’t recognize some of these people,” he says with malice. “Do you have more family you’d like to invite?”
Syrus doesn’t even flinch. His hands are faster than mine rubbing at the zip tie, but it’s undetectable to anyone not looking closely. Valentine’s head is far too big right now to notice anything. It’s Nico I’m worried about.
“She’s pretty,” Valentine says, licking his lips and picking up a photo of a dark-haired woman. “I’d love to meet her.”
“You’re a worthless pig,” Settimo snarls, jerking against his restraints and eliciting Nemma to begin murmuring something to him in Italian. She tries to tug his face towards her, but he twists his body away from her, dragging the chair on the carpet. He stares Valentine down, and you wouldn’t know he was in pain by his barred teeth and murderous eyes. He’s weak and it’s visible, but he isn’t scared.
Neither am I.
It’s the first time I realize it. I’m not scared. I’mdonebeing scared.
I’m only determined.
“Do you want to know what people say behind your back? You’re a slimy ass snake who’s eaten too many rats. Even the Russians don’t respect you. You’re a fat, untrustworthy piece of shit who isn’t even worth a bullet or the time it would take to dispose of you. But don’t fucking worry, I’ll take the time, and I swear to God—”
The picture frame comes flying across the room and hits Settimo in the head. He turned just in time for it to miss his face. The broken frame falls to the floor, and it gives me an idea.
“You son of a bitch!”
“Who is that?” I ask, staring at the row of picture frames. There’s a photo of Lorenzo with the same woman in the photo Valentine threw. There are two other people, a man and a woman I don’t recognize in it as well. Lorenzo has his arm around the woman, but it looks more friendly than anything else. I almost don’t feel the pang of real jealousy at him being so comfortable with another woman.
A wicked smile plays on Valentine’s face, and he snatches up the frame. He brings it over to me and tsks. “Mm mm mmm, looks like lover boy has been loving on more than just you, princess.”
I pull my lips down and inject fake sadness into my eyes. I turn my gaze to Settimo. “Is that true?”
His brows crease and his eyes narrow. He opens his mouth, probably to say something along the lines of “who fucking cares” but Syrus interrupts.
I snap my head Syrus’s way. It’s the first word I’ve heard from him, and I’m shocked to hear such a strong voice from a pitiful body. The man’s health issues are on full display, with his wrinkled skin dotted with purple bruising I imagine from blood thinners. And yet, his spine is straight, and his face is hard.
Syrus stares at me with a look that tells me he understands what I’m doing.
“Lorenzo was about to propose to her. Her name is Annabelle… He never said anything about you.”
I force my face to slump, and then I grit my teeth when Valentine snickers.
I glare at Valentine, and a wicked grin lights up his hideous face.