Page 65 of His Pet
“It is not Settimo’s responsibility to tell me what is going on with you! And Settimo didn’t tell me you were hurt!” Her gaze flicks to Amelia, and when it lands back on me that twinge of worry from before surfaces. “And of course, if you needed someone to care for you, you should’ve asked me.” She looks at Amelia. “Although, I’m very appreciative of you looking after my son. I’m sure he’s been a handful.”
Amelia flicks her wrist awkwardly and huffs. “Not at all. It was my pleasure.”
I glance at her and note how hard she’s trying to play out this lie. Does she really think my mother believes she’s a nurse?
I turn my gaze toward my ma and note the shameful look she gives me. Denial is a powerful thing, something Ma has been in good company with since she married my father. But she sure as shit isn’t stupid.
“I’m sorry,” I say with a sigh. “I would’ve called, but I lost my phone. I expected Settimo—”
“What about Amelia’s phone?” she warily asks. “I’m sure she would’ve been nice enough to loan it to you.”
Ma looks at Amelia and seems to wait forherto answer. Ma’s brows are creased, and her lips are in a thin line, but her eyes are sympathetic.
Amelia glances at me then back to my mother. She bites down her bottom lip, then releases it and shrugs. “Sorry, my uh. My phone has horrible reception out here. It’s a wonder Mr. Gruco was able to call the agency before he lost his. What cell service do you have?” she asks, turning to me with this fake look of curiosity that has my eyebrow raising.
Ma frowns and looks at me. The two women who mean the most to me are piercing me with their gazes, both silently asking me what’s going on.
I close my eyes and slick my hair over my forehead. I feel like I could sleep for a week.
“Well,” Ma says, eliciting my eyes to open. She smiles at Amelia. “Will you be staying for dinner, dear? I understand if you need to get back, of course. You can use my phone to call your driver. Actually,” she glances into the kitchen, then at me, then at Amelia, “There’s isn’t nearly any food here, and I need to go to the grocery store in town. Would you like me to drive you to your car?”
Amelia looks to me for an answer, and I resist the urge to end this act. “Wow, Ma. That’s some invitation.” Sarcasm drips from my tongue. “You’re throwing the poor girl out before she can answer.”
My mother places a hand over her heart and looks apologetically to Amelia. “Oh, dear. Where are my manners? I’m sorry, sometimes I get ahead of myself.”
“It’s okay,” Amelia waves and nervously chuckles, “I do the same thing.”
Finally, the first bit of truth since I walked in here.
Amelia smiles and places her hands in her lap.
“Wonderful!” My mother claps her hands and fakes enthusiasm. “I make a delightful lasagna.”
“Oh.” Amelia’s face falls, and color leaves her cheeks. I wonder how many times she’s faced this awkward conversation.
“Amelia is a vegan,” I say.
Ma’s eyes widen and she nods. “Ah, all right, then. I’m not sure what all that entails, but—”
“There’s a restaurant in town.”
Both of the women’s incredulous eyes turn to me. My mother doesn’t bother to hide her wariness this time, and I’m surprised when it stings. Of course taking a captive to a public place is not ideal. But is it notpossiblethat Amelia could be a girlfriend I’ve hidden from her? A nervous girlfriend who lied about being a nurse because we’re dating in secret?
Not likely, sure, but Jesus.
“I think I remember seeing a place,” Amelia hesitantly says. “It looked lovely.”
Ma still has her eyes open wide, and she clears her throat and tries to relax her expression. “Fantastic.” She trails her gaze over me and frowns. “Do you need help cleaning up?”
I roll my eyes and stand, ignoring her offer. I give Amelia one last glance, noting the anxious way she looks at me. It’s a step up from the hurt in her eyes from earlier.
I slip into the bathroom, undress, and step into the shower. I expect my own nervousness to fill me. After all, if Ma told any of the men in my family about Amelia being here, she’d be dead. And then there’s the fact that I’ve managed to shield my indiscretions all these years from the woman who birthed me, and now that’s gone to shit. And then there’s Amelia…
The nervousness never comes, but instead, relief settles into my bones. I was ready to drive Amelia to a bus stop as soon as I got to the cabin, and then head to my normal life. Now I have a little more time.
The relief may be short-lived, but for now, it’s sweet.