Page 39 of Her Four Cowboys
He undressed quickly and pulled me forward so that I was hovering over his lap, holding my gaze as the tip of his cock gently teasing my entrance, making me even wetter. I gasped as I reached forward, settling my hands on his shoulders and sank down onto him, slowly taking every inch of him into me.
I gasped as I settled into place, allowing myself a second to adjust to his size, to the unique decadence of Aaron Kent.
I didn’t think I’d ever felt anything that felt as good as this, and as I pushed him onto his back, I luxuriated in every second of it as I began to ride him.
He filled me completely, and I suddenly knew that another orgasm wasn’t far away.
His hands reached up my back, cradling me as I rode and he bucked his hips up into me, making me gasp as he filled me even more.
Suddenly, he held my gaze as he pulled me down onto him and held me there, making me hold him inside of me, making me feel all of him as he stared at me, with the lights in the barn illuminating the blue of his eyes and the auburn of his hair. All at once, this became all too much.
The feeling spiraled out from my spine once again, more lush and complete than the first, and I fell forward with my head on his shoulder as the aftershocks trailed across my skin, making me shudder in his arms.
I could barely string two thoughts together as he flipped me over, keeping us close together so that he was still buried in me, and pulled back on my hair as he thrust into me harder and harder, until finally he froze in my arms.
Dimly, I registered the hot, wet feeling of his climax as he spilled into me and collapsed onto me, his strong arms finally giving out.
“Holy shit,” he murmured, his lips pressed against my shoulder. “That was—”
“I know,” I said, running my hands up his back as my legs relaxed, with him still inside of me. “I know.”
I don’t know how long we lay there, tangled in each other. There didn’t feel like any rush to get up, not with the storm still going on. We dozed for a little, his hand settled protectively on my back, and when we woke up, we pulled on our clothing, item by item, without saying much.
I felt his eyes on me as I went over to Briar, giving her a last look over, and made my way to the door to look outside. It was still snowing, but it was coming down in lighter waves.
“You don’t have to go just yet,” Aaron said from behind me.
I shook my head. “I really think I should go home.”
He nodded. “I’ll walk you to your truck.”
“That’s okay,” I said. “I know where it is.”
He blinked at me, silent for a long moment before giving me a nod. “Will you text when you get home?”
“Of course,” I said, smiling at him as I walked out of the barn, barely feeling my heavy bag as I walked back to my truck on autopilot and got it started.
On the way home, any brain power that wasn’t being used to safely maneuver the truck was being used to think about the consequences of what I was doing.
Holy shit, what was I doing? I’d never gotten involved with this many guys in a week, and on top of that, they were brothers. This was many, many degrees of messed up.
I could barely think straight as I pulled into my house and headed inside, keeping as quiet as possible as I went to the bathroom and stripped off to shower. I did manage to shoot Aaron a ‘home safe’ text before I collapsed into bed.
The rest of the night passed in a blur, and in the morning, the first thing I did was call Molly. I needed her particular brand of best friend wisdom.
“HOLY SHIT YOU DID NOT!” she yelled as soon as I’d finished. “Oh my God, I’m so jealous! I’d climb Aaron Kent like a tree!”
“Molly, I really don’t need to hear that right now,” I groaned. “I feel so… conflicted.”
“Why?” she asked. “You’ve never made a commitment to any of them.”
“That doesn’t mean any of them deserve to be played with,” I responded, biting down on my nail.
“Luce, your sense of honor is admirable, but believe me, they don’t need you worrying about them. They’re big boys who know that they’re going after one of the most desirable women in town.”
“Shut up,” I said.
“It’s true,” she responded.
“That doesn’t mean they know they’re competing with their own brothers.”
“Luce,” she said, “which one was the last boyfriend that really excited you the way that any of the Kents do?”
“None of them,” I mumbled.