Page 8 of Broken SEAL
“Karm!”I groaned as I stared at the bright pink drink in front of me. To my sister’s credit, though, it looked really good. Too good. Dangerously good.
“Drink!” She pointed at the fruity blended cocktail, and I rolled my eyes.
“Fine,” I groaned as I picked it up and took a healthy chug from it. “God! This is good,” I moaned salaciously and watched my sister smile widely.
“Do I want to know what’s in it?” I asked bravely. She shook her head.
“Probably not. But after a couple of those, I’m pretty sure you, of all people, will be able to figure out what to do next.” She grinned before turning and giving her attention to a man at the other end of the bar.
Karma had a couple of gigs she loved to juggle.
Tonight, she was bartending at a brewery in the Gaslamp District. She was one of those people who was amazingly talented at everything they did. I snapped a picture of my drink and posted it on my Instagram, tagging the brewery and my sister’s mixologist page, raving about the delicious goodness she had just created. I had just uploaded it when my phone pinged.
Linc: Having fun?I smiled and rolled my eyes.
Me: Tons. You?
Linc: Getting settled in. What are you up to?
About to drink my brains out. Hmm… I couldn’t type that out. Hitting Delete, I went with a safer option.
Me: Hanging with Karma at her job for a little bit.
Linc: Okay. I won’t bug. Call me when you get home if you’re bored.
“Who are you texting? Faith?” Karm asked. I shook my head.
“No. Umm…” I felt my face heat up, avoiding my sister’s gaze.
“Joy?” She leaned closer, and I looked at her and caved.
“Okay, so… remember the pen pal thing?” I quickly rambled out.
“Oh god!” she groaned. “You, too?! You and Faith both! Love bug goners?” she complained, and I laughed.
“Love bug—" I started to repeat and shook my head. “Where do you come up with this?”
“Holy shit. You are not denying it!” She crossed her arms in front of her. “See, Faith I knew this would happen to. She’s the romantic one, but you?”
“Gee, thanks.” I rolled my eyes.
“You know what I mean! Faith is all about the fairy tale and getting swept up. You’re more grounded,” she explained. She wasn’t far off. But I hesitated thinking about Linc. What I knew about him through his letters and talking to him last night made me like him. Made me yearn for that fairy tale.
But it wasn’t like I could point him out in a crowd.
Heck! He could easily come sit right next to me, and I wouldn’t know it. But he would. He would know me from my pictures. God, that wasn’t fair!
“It’s not like that. Not like Crew and Faith.”
“Then what is it like?” Her smile broadened as she leaned in closer. “Sex? Dirty letters? Sexting?” Her eyes widened more and more with every guess.
“No!” I gasped as I looked around me, but no one was paying attention to us. “Karma, Jesus!
“Look, there is nothing, and I repeat, nothing wrong with any of those things. If it’s not adding to your bag, inspiration, or orgasms, it doesn’t belong in your vida, sis. Straight up.” I blinked for a moment trying to translate my way-too-cool-for-school sister.