Page 47 of A Killing In The Woods
“I’m sorry what does that mean?”
“It means that someone used a burner phone to contact the victim using a number that was known to the victim.”
“I don’t understand is that even possible?”
“It’s called spoofing, you should look it up.” “Is that legal?”
“Technically yes, unless it’s being used to defraud.”
“What about the burner phone?”
“Still working on it, those are harder to trace, as you know.”
“Thanks a million Andy, shoot me a text with the number that was used will you?”
“Sure thing detective.”
“Oh wait, what was the code?”
“BITCH! Can you believe it? Calling yourself that? The lady must’ve had some serious issues.” Or someone else did.
She hung up the phone on better footing now than before it rang. The phone was ringing when she came out of the shower half an hour later. It was Pete, officer Bailey and he was more excited than she’d heard him in days.
“I’ve got something you’re gonna like.”
“Do you, meet me at the Davis house in twenty minutes.”
“Wait don’t you want to know what I’ve found?” Talk while I get dressed. It’s the holiday tomorrow I don’t want anyone making any out of town trips while I waste time.”
His information was even more useful and was the proverbial nail in the coffin so to speak. She left the house feeling more sure of herself than she had since this whole thing started. There was only one drawback though, the people who were going to be hurt by her revelations.
* * *
“I’m goingto see Niall and the kids are you coming?” Riley rolled out of bed from beside his well-fucked wife. She’d gotten over her snit the night before over dinner when he’d tried once again to convince her that he hadn’t been having an affair with her friend.
Well, the truth is he wasn’t sure that she believed him but she seemed to have come to terms with the issue. He could only hope that one day she’d come to see the light and realize that although their marriage had lost its spark, he wasn’t the kind of man to cheat.
Whatever she had going on inside her head she’d been a tiger in bed last night and he had the scratches down his back to prove it. Now if he could just get her to give up this stupid notion about him and Sonya having an affair he could maybe rest easy.
“Sure, why not? Maybe we can talk him into going out somewhere. It’s not good for the children to stay cooped up like that all summer.” He gave her a look which she missed and carried on into the bathroom.
He wasn’t sure how ready Niall was going to be to go out and about town so soon after the murder of his wife, but he was reminded that his wife for all that he loved her can be very self centered and just a tad bit unfeeling at times.
* * *
Bridgette was feeling much betterthis morning than she had the afternoon before. She’d got Niall to cum in her during one of their fuck sessions the night before, in his marriage bed no less. He’d already pulled out of her three times that afternoon, but that night she’d clamped her pussy down around him just as she felt him get ready to pull out and he’d had no choice.
Sure she wasn’t fertile yet, not for a few more days, but now that he’d slipped up once and the earth didn’t move she didn’t see any reason why she couldn’t get him to do it again.
Niall on the other hand woke up with mixed emotions. After the nanny left his bed in the wee hours of the morning because he didn’t want his children seeing her leave his room, he’d lain awake staring at the four walls.
The anger he’d felt the day before that had sent him running into her arms, was fast fading beneath the grief his heart still felt for his wife. Why had he been so quick to believe false accusations against her? There must be another explanation for all the things the cops were saying, for what everyone else seemed to believe.
He looked towards the memory album she kept on her side of the bed. It was this little photo thing that reminded her of upcoming events and as he watched he saw that Riley and Valerie were due here this morning for their usual day before the Fourth brunch. Tomorrow as with every Fourth of July they were supposed to go to the farm for the annual barbecue.
“There will be none of that this year.” He mourned deep within in his soul at the thought. For the rest of his life he’d face a lot of firsts without her by his side. Like the first day their girls go off to school, the first time one of the children graduated, got married, had children of their own.
“How could you leave me damn you?” He rolled over and pounded his fist into the pillow next to his, hiding his tears and the great heave of sobs that escaped him as the enormity of the situation hit him in the gut once more.
I want to know, he thought. No matter what it is, I won’t stand in the way of the cops doing their job anymore. With his mind made up he left the bed and headed for the shower. He didn’t let himself think of what he’d done before or the guilt just might have crippled him.
But he made up his mind that he wouldn’t sleep with the girl again. If only to preserve his wife’s honor. There were plenty women he could choose for his bed if he so chose in the future. There was no need to take someone his wife had trusted with their children to his bed.
“You picked a fine time to come to your senses Niall, after the deed is done.” Whatever, there was no way to go back now; all he could do is move forward.
He’d made it clear that she didn’t have to come to his bed if she didn’t want to, that her job wouldn’t be forfeit if she rebuffed him. At least he didn’t have that on his conscience.