Page 38 of A Killing In The Woods
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Detective Starks answered her phone the next day. It was Saturday yes, but she didn’t foresee herself having another day off for a long-long time. She planned to work right through the holiday if she had to, and that’s why she’d rushed the guys in the lab the day before.
For as small as their precinct was, they had a network at their disposal that could get them results faster than some places in the big city. That’s one thing she could say for the mayor, he sure did have his resources.
The D.A’s office was a very big help in getting things moving quicker as well. They didn’t want news of the first murder in the town in more than fifty years spreading too far and wide. Tourism was very big here after all, with people coming from all over the country not to mention the world, to enjoy their classic settings and historical sights.
If news of an unsolved murder made the rounds on one of the biggest holiday weekends, one that the town relied on for an uptick in revenue, let’s just say it wouldn’t be good for business. So she wasn’t too surprised that it was the lab calling.
“We’ve got those results for you.”
“I’m listening.” She got her pad and pen ready to take down the information but stopped halfway with her pen hovering over the paper.
“You’ve got to be kidding me, are you sure?”
“Yes I’m sure. Both the cigarette butts from male A and the semen we found on the blanket are a perfect match. And the other butts match the DNA of your female victim.”
“Okay thank you!” She hung up the phone more confused than ever and her partner took one look at her face and knew better than to question her at this time.
He knew that look, knew that she wouldn’t tell him a word until she’d worked things out in her head to her satisfaction. But he had to admit to dying of curiosity. The case was going nowhere even when it seemed like they were making strides.
Andy in tech still had yet to break the passcode on the phone so there was still no way of knowing who it was that had made the call to the victim that morning, Mr. Davis was still refusing to let them search through his wife’s belongings and it seemed they were at a standstill.
The town’s people were starting to get a bit antsy because as far as they knew from their television series, these things were taken care of in the amount of time it took to broadcast a forty-five minute show. With the bad guys all tucked away nicely behind the bars of a jail cell and the victim already laid to rest.
It didn’t help that seventy-five percent of the population were in their sixties or older. People of that age bracket tend to worry more about these things as it reminds them of their own mortality.
Old Barney Doss couldn’t remember anything more from that day when they took a second swing at him and the truth was they were stuck. Unless Mr. Davis eased up and cooperated they were going nowhere.
Detective Sparks was going over everything in her head. The news she’d just received made no sense, but she couldn’t refute the evidence so all that was left was for her to go back to the drawing board; and she did just that.
She left her seat and went to the murder board that she’d set up. She studied what little bit she had so far and her eyes kept coming back to the clown and the statement Valerie O’Rourke had made about her friend having an affair. Her mind was off on another tangent but she had to look at all the angles.
Just because the DNA showed that he was there didn’t mean that he’d been the one to kill her. She decided not to confront him right away, not before she had more to go on. She’d already shown her hand by letting Niall Davis know about the barn; maybe she should’ve played that one closer to the vest.
“Let’s go Pete.” She dragged her jacket from behind her chair where it always was while she worked.
“Where are we going?”
“Out to the O’Rourke farm.” He fell into step beside her as they headed out the door into the early morning sun.
* * *
“What’s gotten into you?”Riley grinned up at his wife as she rolled over and sat on his morning wood. She closed her eyes and flung her head back as she bit into her lip. He’d had a talk with her doctor who’d assured him that her behavior was typical for someone who had suffered a loss such as she had.
It was to reassure herself that she was still alive the therapist had said. He was still giving her sedatives to help her sleep since it was at night that everything seemed to catch up to her and her mind wouldn’t let her rest.
Only last night he’d caught her crying alone in their bathroom as if her heart had been broken. Now here she was, her eyes bright as she looked down at him and rode his cock. “I love having your cock inside me, it makes me feel alive.”
She rocked her pussy back and forth on his cock and planted her hands on his chest for better purchase. Riley grabbed her ass and fucked up into her hard the way she seemed to want it these days. It had been a while since he’d seen her like this, so loose and uninhibited, free.
He hated that it had taken the death of dear Sonya, but he was glad to have this side of his wife back. It would keep him from making a mistake he knew. As long as she stayed like this, the way she used to be, and as long as she kept fucking him like this there wouldn’t be even a hint of the temptation to look elsewhere.
He pulled her down so he could wrap his lips around her nipple and felt her pussy juice the way he likes as he shoved his massive cock into her over and over again. He’d always been a man of huge appetites when it comes to sex and this was more his speed. Not the self-imposed pussy drought he’d been through in the last few years.
He could fuck ten times a day and still not get enough, and in the beginning she’d been right there with him. In fact one of the reasons their marriage had worked so well was because she was one of the few women he knew who could keep up with him when it came to fucking.