Page 33 of The Butcher's Wife
Chapter Eight
“You know, it was risky bringing your wife here. I had several complaints even before I came to you.”
“Come now, Mr. Rossi, you and I both know this benefit is to line our pockets, show strength, and to show off women we’re fucking.”
Thomas tutted, but he smiled. “I suppose when it comes to you, I shouldn’t expect anything different. Your loyalty is bone deep. It’s in your blood as well. Your father, rest his soul, was the same. He wouldn’t ever dream of stepping out on your mother. Found the concept of screwing other women repulsive.”
“I’ve been lucky in being given the gift of my wife, sir,” he said.
His boss chuckled and slapped him on the arm. “Tonight, Giovanni, I feel old. The women are looking younger, and the men, well, we’re all looking so fucking old.”
This was the best time for him to keep his mouth shut, but he didn’t want to leave Valentina out there unattended for too long. He’d already noticed Leonardo was out there without his wife. Valentina, without him, was vulnerable. There was no way for her to defend herself against Leonardo’s manipulative ways.
Giovanni watched as Thomas glanced around the grand room. Only the best of the Rossi empire. It was what he’d built his life on. No one could interfere with that.
“I have word of a rat within our walls,” Thomas said.
For the Boss to bring up business at a benefit, this was serious. He’d been back home for a month, but this was the first he heard of it, which meant it had to be true. Thomas Rossi had a way of finding out all the details, to be certain before he acted.
“Do you have any idea who it is?”
“It’s someone close, a little too close,” Thomas said. “I just can’t … I don’t … there are a few gaps in potential suspects’ alibis, if you know what I mean.”
Giovanni nodded. “Would you like me to handle this?”
Thomas sighed. “I know you’ve just gotten recently married, but yes, unfortunately, I feel…” He didn’t finish.
“Leonardo is one of the subjects?” he asked, keeping his voice quiet.
The man before him looked deflated. “I believe my own son is trying to turn my soldiers against me. There are at least three of my capos that have possibly turned to his side. A takeover is … imminent.” Thomas collapsed into a chair. “He’s my son, Giovanni.”
This was difficult.
He moved closer to the man who had taken him in, helped him to become someone, who’d fed that thirst for blood. Seen what a fucking monster he was and used it to his advantage.
Thomas Rossi hadn’t rested until the murderers who had killed Giovanni’s parents had been brought to him. He found some closure in knowing he’d helped to avenge his parents’ death. Giovanni owed a great deal to this man.
“Give me the word, Thomas. I will investigate. I will find the men who would dare to turn from you, and I will guarantee I will handle Leonardo,” he said. “May I speak freely?”
“He cannot be allowed to take over. You have to be a monster to lead. To make the impossible decisions, but you cannot be like him. If he takes over the Rossi name, your position, he will burn us all into the ground.” Giovanni knew he wouldn’t last long either. Leonardo Rossi would come for him, but it wasn’t himself he was worried about. It was Valentina.
There was no choice anymore.
Ever since he had lived with the Rossis, Leonardo hadn’t liked the attention that he took. He’d never been a replacement son, Giovanni knew this. He’d never wanted to be. He had a family that had been taken from him. For a long time, he’d used that pain to help guide him, to push him toward finding the killers, becoming the man he was today.
He knew his father would be proud, and delighted, especially with Valentina.
“Do it,” Thomas Rossi. “We have no choice.”
The older man reached into his jacket and extracted a flash drive.
“All of the information I have is on there. Please, be careful.”
“I will bring him to you, and all the traitors.”
“If you have no choice, Giovanni, kill him.”