Page 78 of Mathiras (Corsair Brothers 4)
She’s seated in the middle of the floor, her long legs crossed. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her and she looks as if she’s sporting a few new tattoos, including a fluid-looking symbol at the corner of one eye that covers her temple. Her hair is braided into dozens of sloppy little braids that stick out from her head, none of them reaching her shoulders, and she looks tired. And bored. She looks insanely bored. The one-piece bodysuit she wears is filthy and torn, and she’s barefoot, and her cheekbones are prominent, as if she hasn’t been eating as much.
“Hello Bethiah,” I say. “Want a job?”
I watch, wary, as Bethiah gets up and dusts off her filthy clothing. She strolls toward me and I reach for my blaster, not trusting this. Of course it’s not there, and I flinch as she wraps her arms around me in a hug. “My favorite va Sithai,” she coos. “It’s so nice to see you.”
“Fantastic,” I say, sliding out of her grip. “And I’ve heard you’ve already met Zebah.”
“Zebah,” she agrees, in that same too-sweet tone. She opens her arms wide and Zebah gives me a panicked look as Bethiah treats her to the same bone-squeezing hug. “My least favorite drinking companion. My ship is all right, I take it?”
“It’s all in one piece,” Zebah agrees, clearly not trusting this cuddle-gifting version of Bethiah. “You’re…not mad?”
“You two freed me. Why would I be mad?” She beams at us and saunters out of the cell ahead of us, raising her arms above her head in a stretch. “This is great!”
Zebah and I exchange a look.
“She’s mad,” I say. “I’d wager credits on it.”
Zebah just nods, alarmed.
The peacekeeper clears his throat. “If you’ll all follow me, I’ll get the records updated and you can be on your way.”
A short time later, we’re armed again and back at the elevator. Bethiah gestures at the controls, her belt laden down with blasters and knives. “So where are we going, new best friends?”
I deliberately avoid looking at Zebah, keeping my focus on Bethiah. “Have you heard of a place called the Belly?”
Bethiah blinks at me, feigning innocence. “You mean like…” She gestures at her stomach. “Because mine is pretty empty.”
“No.” It takes everything I have not to pinch the bridge of my nose in sheer frustration. “It’s a place here on the station. A sleazy place.”
“And you think I would know the location of such a place? I’m hurt.” Bethiah’s tone is positively shocked. “We should ask my friend Zebah. I hear she knows all about sleazy things.” Bethiah flutters her lashes at Zebah. “Location-wise, of course.”
Zebah clears her throat, the wary look remaining on her face. “I don’t know how to get there. I’m small time compared to someone as great as Bethiah.”
“Aren’t you sweet?” Bethiah sing-songs, smiling brightly at Zebah.
They both stare at each other, neither one breaking gaze, and kef, this really feels like a trap.
I clear my throat. “Zakoar suggested we bribe our way into the Belly. I’m looking for a specific flesh trader that sells a lot of humans on the cheap that tend to look the same. Any ideas?” I deliberately avoid using the “clone” word because letting both Bethiah and Zebah in on all of our plans feels like a terrible idea. So I steer the conversation in another direction. “If you feel like you’re not up to the challenge after being imprisoned…”
Bethiah casts me a sharp look. “Bite your tongue, son. I was born ready for action.” She jumps up and down in the not-moving elevator, like a fighter about to enter the arena, and then adjusts her breasts under her clothing. “Okay. We can visit a buddy of mine. He knows how to get to the Belly. You got credits?”
“I do.”
She holds a hand out. “Give them to me.”
“I’ll hold on to them, thanks.” I know how this trick works. Bethiah asks for credits, I hand them over, and then she wants more credits for the actual job, not the ones I handed to her. I’ve worked with her before. “Just help us with this and I’ll take you back to where your ship is parked.”
“Safely parked,” Zebah offers up.
“Mmmm. Is he still on board?” Bethiah asks, hands moving to her hips.
Now Zebah looks confused. “Is who on board?”
“That’s a ‘no’ then.” She sighs heavily. “Great. Now I have to capture him again.”
“My boyfriend.” Bethiah gives another dramatic, gusty sigh. “He’s determined to play hard to get. All right. Let’s go buy ourselves some human flesh. You guys ready to go to the Belly?”
“Ready,” I affirm.
“Let’s do this,” Zebah says in a quieter voice. It’s odd, but she might actually be intimidated by Bethiah. Never thought I’d see the day.
Bethiah gives us both a stern look. “Let’s keep this a secret between the three of us, all right?” Then she taps a button on the panel, and the doors of the elevator open. “Okay, follow me.”