Page 48 of Mathiras (Corsair Brothers 4)
We are? Because I’m pretty sure I want to go faster. But maybe Mathiras is shy.
I stay on the bridge with Adiron for longer than I probably should, until he’s practically squirming in his chair, ready to leave. He keeps tossing hopeful looks toward the bridge exit and I keep on talking. Helen yawned and disappeared a while ago, saying she was going to get ready for bed, and so I felt obligated to hang out with my brother even longer, just so he won’t think I’m eager to join her.
I am, of course. I just don’t want him to think that.
So I discuss Lukzar, and Zebah ak’Ven, the contact I’m supposed to meet and who’s probably laying a trap. I talk a little about the cantina and wonder how the Scarlet Gaze is faring, and all the while, Adiron slides lower and lower in his chair. I think about some of the clothes I bought for Helen as I talk and rub my chin. “Do you think—”
Adiron groans as if in pain. “Can I please just go, Matty? Go and kiss Helen or something, but kef me, just let me get out already.”
My ears get hot. Am I that obvious? I want to give her some time to unwind, some time to mentally go through what we did today. I don’t want her to be overwhelmed. I also don’t want to look too eager. But it’s clear Adiron wants nothing more than to leave. “Fine.” I get to my feet. “I’ll lock down the ship while we’re here at the docks. We’ll leave in about ten hours. Be back by then?”
He all but flings himself out of his chair. “Freedom!” he calls, racing down the hall. “I’m out of here!”
I snort. Knowing Adiron, he’s going to go eat one of everything, have a few drinks, and then…well, I don’t know, actually. Normally I’d have to pry him and Kas out of a bar fight, but Adi’s never the one that starts the fights. Maybe he’ll spend the time shopping for Jade. Doesn’t matter. He’s out of my horns for the next few hours.
Which gives me alone time with Helen. My skin prickles with awareness.
Even though I tell myself I should take time, give Helen a bit more space, I’m drawn toward my bedroom. I know she’s in there. Ever since she decided she was sleeping with me, she hasn’t returned to her room. She’s just sort of taken over mine, and I’ve let her. I head to my door, and of course it’s cracked. Helen doesn’t like being left alone, not even on the ship. Leaving doors open makes her feel like we’re still “together” even if we’re not in the same space.
I knock on the half-open door, since the room is dark. “Helen? Can I come in?”
“Of course you can,” she calls out. “It’s your room!” Her voice is coming from the adjoining lavatory.
Stepping inside, I shut the door behind me and flick on the lights. The bed is still made from earlier today, but the items I purchased for Helen are now strewn all over the room like a windstorm came through. I can’t believe how one person could make such a mess so quickly…well, a person other than Adiron. I pick up a necklace and a boot that have been tossed on a table, straightening as I go. “Are you looking for something in particular?”
“I found it,” she calls out and then emerges from the lavatory.
I turn, folding one of her new “crew” uniforms. My mouth goes instantly dry. Helen has taken off her concealing cloak and heavy clothes. The ooli mask is gone. Her silky lavender hair flows over her nearly bare shoulders and she’s wearing a tiny, filmy sleep tunic with two little straps over the shoulders instead of sleeves. It might be designed for ooli because it’s short and barely reaches the tops of her thighs. The material is practically transparent, and I can see her small, pert breasts and the darker tips underneath the fabric.
And I start to sweat. “When did we buy that?”
Helen beams at me, so lovely she makes my teeth ache with want. I’m already getting hard, my trou uncomfortably tight at the front. “One of the salespeople threw it in because we were buying so much. Isn’t it nice? It feels soft.” Her hands smooth down her sides, caressing the material, and I’m pretty sure I sweat even more. “And I have matching pants.”
She flips up the skirt and shows me the tiny shorts that are belted at her waist. And…yup. Those are see-through also. Kef me, the floss between her thighs is also lavender, and is the daintiest little triangle of hair. Everything about her is perfection. I’m so keffed.
“That’s great,” I manage to choke out. “Helen, I just want you to know that I meant what I said earlier. We’ll go as slow or as fast as you want to. You’re in charge of everything. If today was too much for you, I can sleep on the floor, or over the blankets—”