Page 36 of Mathiras (Corsair Brothers 4)
Kef, I wish Zoey was here backing me up.
I cross my arms and stare at the comm panel, waiting for someone to get back to me. A message chimes. The retriever will meet with me at the cantina tonight and requires an upfront payment of far too many credits. Arrogant shit. There’s no response from my other contacts, so I grit my teeth and agree to it anyhow. He’s not the most pleasant type and seems to focus on payments more than any sentient being should, but he also knows a lot. It’s a decent choice. Considering it’s also the only choice, it’ll have to do.
The station pings an incoming message. “Little Sister, you will dock at slot seventeen. Please bring the appropriate identification and prepare to be boarded for a routine and randomized inspection. Thank you for your cooperation.”
I groan. An inspection? How the kef did we get slotted for that? Our luck is absolute shit today. We’ve got no contraband on board…except Helen.
This is a problem.
I can’t leave her here, because if they decide to confiscate her, I’ll never see her again. That pricks at every protective nerve in my body. But I don’t know that I should take her with me on Haal Ui, either. She’s a keffing qura’aki clone. She’s going to get a lot of attention, and none of it good for keeping a low profile. I consider asking her to stay in the hidden chambers behind the walls of the Little Sister where we normally keep our contraband, but she doesn’t like small enclosed spaces.
Kef. Kef twice.
Before I can decide what to do, Adiron rushes onto the bridge. His lip curls as he stares at me. “Did I hear that right? We’re getting inspected?”
I rake a hand through my hair. “You heard right.”
Helen is a few paces behind Adiron, clutching her rolling pin to her chest. She looks at me with wide eyes. “Why is an inspection bad?”
Adi and I exchange looks. “They’re going to be hunting for anything illegal,” I tell her. “How do you feel about hiding on board?”
“Oh, I’m not illegal,” Helen says brightly. “Lord va’Rin gave me the appropriate identifications. I am a registered qura’aki clone.” She holds out her wrist, and there’s a tiny marking there that indicates an ID chip has been implanted.
“Yeah, but that’s just as big an issue,” Adiron points out. “You have to have an owner.”
“I know!” Helen points at me. “I had Mathiras listed.”
Is it possible to feel both repulsed and pleased at the same time? Because I am. I like that she wanted me listed…but I hate the thought of the universe thinking that I “own” someone, especially someone as bright and wonderful as Helen. It’s smart, though. I hate it, but it’s smart. “Kef.” I run a hand down my face. “Give me a moment to think.”
“That means I can go with you on the station,” Helen says, hands clasped in front of her. “I want to see it! I’ve never seen a space station!” Her eyes get even wider as a new idea occurs to her. “And since we’re going to be a couple, you can take me on a date!”
A date. Oh, gods, no. “Helen, this is business—”
“Oh yeah, a date is in order,” Adiron adds, clapping Helen on the back. “Make sure my brother romances you right. Have him take you to the finest cantina there.”
I scowl at Adiron. At the same time, I think of Helen and how much she’d like to see a bit more of the universe. It’s a good idea, isn’t it? Show her—safely—what things are like so she can learn the dangers of the galaxy around her. Open her eyes a bit more so she can realize not everyone is her friend, and that things are dangerous if you’re not careful and always on your guard.
And maybe, maybe take her out on a date.
And buy her some new clothes.
Kef me, why is this sounding good to me? If I show up with a qura’aki on my arm, I might as well ask every pirate on this side of the universe to rob me. But…it’s still smarter than leaving her here. They could confiscate her anyhow and mire her ownership in tons of legal paperwork and I wouldn’t get her back for months…if ever.
“Fine,” I grumble. “But if we do this, we do it my way. And you have to listen.”
“And I have a rolling pin!” Helen adds happily. “I can guard you!”
Adiron reaches over and pries the rolling pin out of her grip. “Maybe we replace that with a nice blaster for now, hmm?”
These males are lucky that I’ve been preparing for this moment for weeks now. I know my appearance is a liability. Ever since we were woken up by the pinchers, all of us realized that there was something about me that was different. Jade knew it would be a distraction for anyone that came on board the Buoyant Star and so we used me to our advantage. I knew that when we left Port, I’d be in a similar situation once more and so I talked with Lord va’Rin’s nice wife and she gave me some things to help out.