Page 156 of Mathiras (Corsair Brothers 4)
He gives me a pleased smile, his thumb grazing my lower lip. “I think that’s a very wise decision, love. There’s no reason we can’t revisit things in a month from now, or a year from now, or whenever you want. And even if you can’t get pregnant easily, we’ll figure something out. There are plenty of doctors that can help with that sort of thing. I just want you happy.”
“I am happy,” I tell him, beaming.
Mathiras gives me an affectionate look. “And you want to have new experiences? What kind?”
I just give him a wicked, wicked smile.
“Oh, they are definitely going to need to scrub the floors in here,” Mathiras murmurs.
I can tell Helen isn’t thrilled to be back on Risda III, even if it’s just temporary. There’s something about the wide-open skies and endless fields that makes her uneasy, and she clutches my hand as we step off the Little Sister and into the bright sunlight.
“It’s just a short visit,” I reassure her. Once we’ve confirmed with Lord va’Rin his plans, we’ll leave. We’re not staying.”
She jerks as a bird flies overhead and moves a little closer to me. “Do those fall out of the sky onto you? Are they mean?”
Do they what? I bite back a laugh, because she’s clearly afraid. “Never. I promise. You’re safe from them.”
Helen makes an unhappy noise and is all too eager to climb into the air-sled that will take us to Lord va’Rin’s palatial estate. I don’t know why I find it adorable that my fierce Helen is uneasy about songbirds flying overhead, but I suppose we all have our fears. Mine is not being a good enough mate for her. I squeeze her hand as I sit down next to her, and she immediately snuggles under my arm. “What are we going to do if he doesn’t want all of the you-know-whos?” she asks me, her hand sliding onto my thigh.
I automatically remove it from my thigh with an apologetic squeeze. Helen is touchy-feely and I adore it, but I also don’t want to show up to Lord va’Rin’s domicile with a raging erection. While everyone on board the Little Sister is quite aware that we’re having sex several times a day, Lord va’Rin is from an old family and is probably quite staid in his beliefs.
It’s been a quiet, uneventful journey from Jerrok’s station back to Risda III. Quiet, because each of us va Sithai brothers seems to be holed up in private quarters with our mates. We take turns running the bridge, and greet each other over meals, but beyond that, my time is spent with Helen.
On Helen.
Under Helen.
Inside Helen.
Oh, and in the shower. Helen still loves the damned shower, and, well…so do I.
It’s been a heated last few days between us. Helen can’t get enough of sex, and she’s utterly voracious. Not that I mind, because touching her is not a hardship in the slightest, but it makes sense to me now why qura’aki are so prized as slaves. Not only are they beautiful to look at, but it’s probably impossible to have sex with one and not have her come multiple times.
It just makes me hug Helen tighter, because she’s mine and I’m going to protect her from anyone in the universe that tries to take her from me.
Helen makes a happy little sound as I squeeze her. “Are you thinking about earlier today?”
Earlier today? When I had her bent over the control panel on the bridge and pounded into her from behind until she came? Three times? And then she immediately sat in my lap and used my hand to come again while I checked the flight logs? I’m keffing thinking about it now, that’s for sure. I swallow hard and decide a white lie is better, since if I tell Helen the truth, she’s going to be on my lap again. “Just thinking about this place. He should have plenty of room for everyone.”
“Poor things,” she murmurs. “What if they want to come with us?”
I shake my head. “The Little Sister has limited room.” It’s been all the more apparent with the three of us and our mates back on board. Every time we get in the showers, we aren’t there for longer than a few minutes before someone’s pounding on the doors, wanting their turn.
Granted, we do take our time in the showers. And…granted, we’re not exactly showering. But the Little Sister feels like cramped quarters lately.
All the more reason to retire and get the station we’ve been discussing. The more I toy with the idea, the more I like it, and both of my brothers are on board. Even the most unpleasant stations are ungodly expensive, however. We could always squat in one and hope we wouldn’t get booted, but I want to do things the right way.