Page 140 of Mathiras (Corsair Brothers 4)
“They’d put their mates in danger?”
“I don’t think it would occur to them, and that’s part of the problem. They go where I go. So I have to make sure that wherever we go, it’s best for all of us.”
“All right, then. What are your options?” She strokes a calm hand over my arm. “Risda? If you want me with you, Homeworld or any station is out. Risda might work, though.”
I can’t help but notice that there’s a little bit of hesitation in her voice when she mentions the human sanctuary planet. Something tells me she doesn’t like it very much, and that weighs on me, too. I worry if we settle in on Risda, my brothers would die of boredom within a month. Or worse, Lord va’Rin would expect the Sister to shuttle people or goods back and forth to the planet, and then I’d be leaving Helen behind for long stretches of time.
The thought is unbearable. “Perhaps not Risda.”
Helen’s smile of relief is immediate. Yeah, she doesn’t want to go to Risda. “We need another mining station like when we were stuck there,” she tells me. “No one ever came by there.”
Her comment is an interesting one, though. I think of Jerrok and his lonely station. He gets visitors, but mostly scrappers who know that he’s on the lookout for supplies. He’s got a mate and a carinoux there with him, though. They have room to move around, and Sophie just hides when he gets visitors, or masks up. Something like Jerrok’s set-up would be ideal…
And Lord va’Rin did mention a satellite he would be interested in offloading at some point. Hmm. “Retooling an abandoned satellite to be our home might not be a bad idea. Kas and Adi like fixing things up, and we could still go on short runs to nearby stations if needed. It’d be a kef of a lot safer than traipsing around on the Sister and robbing bounty hunters for their credits. Jade and Alice are going to need someplace safe to settle in, and the Sister is going to be cramped with three families on board.”
Helen’s eyes light up. “Three families?” Her excitement is palpable as she clutches at my tunic. “You want to start a family with me?”
I’d meant it as her and I being a couple, but as I gaze down into her excited expression, I realize she wants what her sisters have. Helen wants a baby with me. Always has, actually. And I…don’t hate the idea. The timing is keffing rotten right now and just adds to my stress, but if we can settle in somewhere safe for all of us…
Yeah, I like the thought of a baby with my mate.
“We’ll have to talk to Lord va’Rin about his station,” I tell her. “Don’t get excited just yet.”
And I have to talk to Jerrok, because we’d need a keffing ton of supplies to make it work, and we’d have to start a scrapyard business of our own. I don’t want him to feel as if we’re pushing into his territory. He and Sophie are family.
I need to talk to my brothers, too. Remind them that they have vulnerable mates that need protecting and piracy isn’t the best idea. Just because the Jabberwock handles it doesn’t mean the Little Sister should.
There’s a lot to think about. And nothing’s been resolved, but I do feel better knowing that Helen is firmly on my side. Even if my brothers aren’t ready to retire from piracy, maybe it’s time Helen and I went our own way.
Because I love my brothers, but I won’t do anything that puts my beloved mate into jeopardy. I’ve had enough of that.
It’s so very nice to have Alice back on board the same ship. I’m immediately comfortable again with my sister at my side. Not that I was ever uncomfortable before, but there’s a low-level pleasant feeling to having her back, like being constantly wrapped in a warm, fuzzy blanket. We sit in Alice’s quarters while Sterre sniffs everything and Dora perches on the bed, clutching her folded legs to her chest and trying desperately not to get the carinoux’s attention.
“I don’t see the point of this,” Dora whispers, watching as Sterre sniffs closer. “I’m leaving with Bethiah. We should be at her ship in the next day, right? So why does your cat have to get to know me? Why would she be fussy?”
Alice leans over and checks the comm panel, making sure it’s off before she speaks. “Actually she’s not fussy. I just wanted to make sure you’re good with everything. Bethiah can be a bit…much. This is your chance to talk to us privately and let us know what you want to do. You don’t have to go with her.” She nudges me. “Tell her, Helen.”