Page 112 of Mathiras (Corsair Brothers 4)
“Anything else?” he asks, amused.
She nods, holding up a finger. Then she pulls off a ring and shows him the jeweled clasp. “There’s poison under the stone.” She takes out one of her earrings and holds it out to him. “Tracking device.” Another earring. “Neural disruptor, but you have to activate it.” Another earring. “More poison.”
“Kef me,” Zebah mutters. “We should have sent her.”
Bethiah reaches into the front of her tunic and pulls another item out of her chest area. “Brass knuckles.” She digs around to the other side and pulls out something shaped like a T. “Knuckle blade.” She puts a hand on one of her horns, lifting the plated cap, and reveals more wire. “Another garrote.”
“Anything else?” Adiron asks, blinking.
She starts to reach down the front of her trou, but we all reach for her at the same time. “That’s good,” I manage. “He’s fine.”
“But it’s a knock-out powder,” Bethiah says. “Very handy. You sure?”
“I honestly don’t know,” Adiron says, grimacing. He looks over at me. “I was just planning on going over there and kicking asses until we find the bad guys, and then I let Helen kick their asses.”
It’s a simple plan. An absolutely Adiron sort of plan. And it terrifies me. I know Helen can take care of herself, but I want to be the one at her side. So I hold a hand out to Adiron. “Give me your weapon belt. I’m going over with Helen.”
“But they know your face,” Helen protests.
“And they’re going to be expecting a shuttle pod with a mesakkah and a qura’aki,” I point out. “We’ll give them one, but it’s going to be me with Helen.”
Helen squeals with excitement. “This will be so much fun!”
“Awww,” Adiron groans. “I never get to knock any heads around when you’re here.” He unhitches his belt, now laden with Bethiah’s weapons, and holds it out to me.
I put it around my waist, the heft of it surprisingly heavy. “It’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s that if I’m sending my mate into danger, I want to be at her side. It’s only right.”
“I guess,” Adi mutters.
“In that case,” Bethiah says, digging into her pants. “You’re definitely going to want my knock-out powder.”
“I vote we just send Bethiah,” Zebah says.
We all glare at her.
I bounce in the shuttle as it putters over to the larger ship. Adrenaline is rushing through my system and I’m ready to go and fight. The moment they notice Mathiras instead of Adiron, I expect all heck to break out.
This is what we came to do, though. I’m ready to do it. My purpose is to take down bad guys and kiss Mathiras, and I’m ready for both.
The shuttle maneuvers closer to the ship, sliding into the docking bay and then we’re surrounded by flashing lights and shadows as robotic arms secure the craft. I glance over at my mate and he looks tense, his tail completely still, his body rigid. His mouth is a hard line that’s just begging to be kissed into softness again, but now is not the time.
Matty glances over at me. “Ready?”
I bounce again. “Ready!”
He hesitates. “This could be dangerous, love. If something happens, I want you to know—”
“Nothing’s going to happen,” I interrupt cheerfully. I don’t like hearing him talk like this. “Other than us making bad guys sorry they messed with us.”
The door to the shuttle hisses, the air decompressing as it readies to open. Mathiras grabs me and hauls me against him, kissing me hard, and then just as quickly releases me. He turns toward the door, his hands on his weapon belt, and pulls out a blaster. I don’t have any weapons—I don’t need them—but I turn toward the door as well, ready to take on whatever attacks us, my hands curled into fists.
With a gentle whoosh of air, the shuttle door slides back, and we’re greeted by a smiling little ooli male in a dark gray robe. His skin is a grayish green, with yellow splotches behind his large eyes. He clasps his hands at the sight of us, face creasing into a smile. “Welcome, welcome.”
Mathiras hesitates at this friendly greeting.
I uncurl my fists.
“Welcome, esteemed friend,” the ooli says again. His gaze slides to me and his mouth broadens into an even wider smile. “Oh, and you are right. She is quite the specimen. We’re most grateful to you for bringing her here so we can examine her.”
Mathiras grunts, lowering his blaster. “This better not be a trap,” he growls at the ooli. “Or I won’t be amused.”
“No trap,” the little creature tells him. “No trap at all. I do have a few guards posted through the station but I’m very glad you’re here. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a qura’aki through these doors, and I’m fresh out of their genetic materials. This is a gift as far as I am concerned.” He beams at Mathiras. “Your weapons are not needed here. You are perfectly safe.”