Page 34 of Claiming Caroline (Claimed 3)
"At first, I kept it a secret because I didn't want you to feel betrayed. But then I realized that I had to tell you the truth. I was going to do it yesterday morning, but I wanted him to know first. That's why I was in his office. I was going to tell him I wanted to tell you about us. We…um…never mind," I mumble, deciding I probably shouldn't tell her he fucked me over his desk five minutes before she showed up. "You got there before I could tell him."
"He's different with you," she says.
"He isn't a bad guy. He's just been…lost in his own pain. For a long time, I think. What happened to him hurt him deeply, made him stop trusting people, even himself. He's been alone for so long." My eyes fill with tears at the thought of him being lonely. "He never meant to hurt you either, Kenz. He thought if you could survive him, you could survive anything."
"I know he's not a bad guy," she says, her expression softening. "I even believe he meant well. But he was still a jerk. It's going to take me some time to get used to this new side of him."
"Do you…" I bite my lip, almost afraid to hope. "Do you want to get used to this new side of him?"
"I think so." She stares at me for a long moment, her face scrunched up as she tries to work it out for herself. "I think I want to prove to him that I'm not the helpless little girl he thinks I am. I may not be like you, but I'm not helpless."
"Of course you're not."
"Would he really quit if I asked him to do it?"
"He would," I say, not doubting it for a second. "And not just because he wants you to accept that he and I are together, but because he genuinely feels badly for making you hate college. He really did write your recommendation before we ever met. He showed it to me last night. I promised him I wouldn't tell you that because he didn't want me to try to change your mind, but I never keep secrets from you."
"You're really in love with him, aren't you?"
"So in love," I whisper, staring at her with wide eyes. "He's…everything I didn't even know I needed. He's so amazing to me, Kenz. He treats me like a princess and doesn't judge me for the way I am. He loves me exactly the way I am. He even talked to Sebastian and Killian last night."
"I know, right?"
"He wants to marry me."
Kennedy blinks wide eyes at me.
"I want to marry him too." I take a deep breath. "And I really, really want you to be there when we do it. If you need time or space, I understand. I'll stay with him. But I don't want to lose you, Kenz. You're my best friend. Please don't hate me for choosing him. Please…please don't hate him for it, either. He never wanted to hide the truth. That was all me."
"I could never hate you," she swears, her voice shaking with emotion. She turns and flings her arms around me, pulling me in for a tight hug. "And of course I will be there when you two get married. I don't want you to feel like you have to choose between us. I would never make you do that. You're my best friend too."
We cling to each other and cry, purging ourselves of the last day of emotional upheaval. And then she takes a deep breath and pulls back, running watery eyes over me.
"You look so happy," she whispers.
"So do you."
"Do you think they killed each other?" she asks, a nervous giggle escaping her lips as her gaze slides from mine. I don't think she's ready to say much about her and Asher yet. Interesting.
"Probably not." I hop up and then hold out a hand to pull her to her feet too. "Jared wouldn't ever do anything to upset me, and I'm guessing Asher wouldn't want to upset you either."
"He's so crazy," she whispers, making me smile. Yeah, she is definitely falling for him.
"Sometimes crazy is good."
"It's the best."
We both look at each other and laugh again. I fling my arms around her, hugging her hard as the final knots in my stomach loosen and float away on the sounds of our laughter. Jared may still have some work to do to win her friendship, but she and I are okay. And that's a start. Especially since I know Jared will move heaven and earth to win her forgiveness because he knows how much she means to me. And my daddy would do anything for me.
Kennedy and I exit the room arm in arm to find Jared and Asher deep in discussion about…something. They don't seem all aggressive and weird, but as soon as they see us, they stop talking.
Asher loops an arm around Kennedy and drags her down onto his lap. She fusses at him, but she doesn't try to get up. She just snuggles up on his lap with her face pressed to his throat.
"I missed you," Jared murmurs when I cross to his side. He pulls me into his arms, cuddling me close to his chest. His gaze runs all over my face, searching.
"We're okay," I promise him, tipping my head back for him to kiss me.
He does, his lips moving over mine until Meeko decides to try to crawl into his lap with me.
He just looks at me and then licks Jared on the chin.
Asher, Jared, and Kennedy all laugh. The sound fills my heart with lightness and peace. The two people I love most are happy and laughing together. I can't think of a sound that's ever been so beautiful to me.
"I love you, princess," Jared whispers in my ear.
Except maybe that one.
"I love you too, daddy," I whisper back, so happy the emotion overflows, spilling from my eyes in two little tears. Jared catches them, holding me close as my heart knits itself back together…and my happily-ever-after finally begins.