Page 3 of Claiming Caroline (Claimed 3)
"A secret place where no one will find us. We'll hide out together until this thing is over with. You can ditch the heels and I can dance with you."
I willingly follow him down the short hallway. We step into the crowded ballroom, but I'm suddenly less worried about anyone realizing I'm not my sister. All my attention is on the gorgeous man who manages to part the crowd as if they're the Red Sea rising up to do his bidding. No one even really looks at him. They just instinctively seem to know to move out of his way.
The ballroom is decorated beautifully in elegant gold and black. It's also packed full of people in extravagant ballgowns and expensive tuxedoes. Everyone is dressed to impress even though they're partially hidden behind their elaborate masks. The Halloween Masquerade Ball is a big deal around campus every year. Everyone goes all out, dressing to the nines to dance the night away and raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. I try to avoid coming because I hate dressing up, but all of Kennedy's hard work definitely paid off this year. I hate that she can't be here to enjoy it.
Jared leads me around the edges of the room, keeping my hand firmly locked with his. His palm is rough, but he holds me carefully, like I'm fragile. We break free of the crowd next to the wide staircase leading up to the second floor of the old Westerly estate.
The school bought the estate decades ago, intending to tear it down to expand. The Historical Society refused to let them. Now the school uses it to hold functions like this. It's opulent, ostentatious. But it's also incredibly beautiful, like a mini castle that was plucked from some faraway land and set down again on the outer edge of Nashville, Tennessee.
Jared helps me ascend the stairs, holding me carefully. Somehow, I manage to make it to the top without tripping over my dress and cape. I arrive slightly out of breath and practically vibrating with anticipation. My nerves are operating in high gear, sending adrenaline bouncing through me like a ping-pong ball. I have no idea where he's taking me, but I don't stop to ask questions, either. Wherever we're going…I want to go.
I think Jared may have cast a spell on me because I've never let a man whisk me away before. I've never wanted one to whisk me off to god only knows where. I want him to do it though, more with each passing moment.
The second floor is mostly empty. There are a few people mingling in groups. One couple is making out in the corner. Everyone seems to notice us passing by. At least it feels like they're staring as us as Jared leads me down the hallway, my heels clicking against the expensive, gleaming tile. They're probably wondering what a man as hot as him is doing at our small school.
We take a right at the end. Another long hallway stretches out before us. The lighting is muted here, barely beating back the shadows clinging to the darkest corners. Laughter and the strains of music float down the hall to us, but it all seems disembodied and far away.
"Here," Jared says, stopping in front of a heavy wooden door with ornate scrollwork. He glances over his shoulder at me, giving me a look that is supposed to be reassuring but looks more devilish than anything. If I'm a fancy Little Red Riding Hood, he's definitely the Big Bad Wolf. "I have a surprise for you."
"What kind of surprise?" I ask, arching a brow.
His gaze rakes up and down my body. "The good kind, sweet baby. Always the good kind for you."
My whole body breaks out in a sweat at the heat in his tone. He's way too good at playing the charming prince. I have a feeling he's equally as good playing the wicked wolf. The propensity for both lingers in the depths of his mossy eyes, calling to that part of me that's always been a little unruly and mischievous.
My parents despaired of that side of me when I was younger. While Kennedy was stuck in her books, I was out wreaking havoc on the household, bouncing from one thing to another, like trying to convince the staff to strike until my dad paid them better. Or releasing all the lobsters that were shipped in for a fancy party. I was never settled, never still for very long. It drove my parents crazy.
I don't think this man minds that part of me, though. In fact, I think he knows I'm a little bit wicked too. If the desire blazing in his eyes is any indication, I think he might love it.
"Show me," I say, finding my voice and my courage for the first time all night.