Page 25 of Claiming Caroline (Claimed 3)
"Really?" Damn. I seriously need to Google my man because I did not know any of this. He never really talks about his accomplishments. I think he shies away from it because the subject is still painful to him.
Which honestly makes me love him a little more because he wants so badly to keep people like Kennedy from going through the same things he did. He just doesn't know how to let his guard down and connect with them. I think he's afraid to get too close to anyone after what happened.
Except for me. For some reason, he let me in. He loves me.
Kennedy bobs her head in an excited nod. "He's one of the best authors born in the last century. And he's done it all without using his connections to get him to the top. No one even knew he was from the Kingston family until he sued his agent and publisher."
"Are you..." I swallow back bile as a chilling fear strikes. "Do you have a crush on him?"
"God no. Gross." She shudders, her face paling slightly. "I guess a lot of people find him good looking. He is handsome. But he is definitely not my type."
I exhale a relieved breath, replacing the water pitcher. "Wait. Since when did you have a type? You've never even gone on a date!"
She shrugs, her cheeks turning pink. "I don't know. Maybe I've always had a type and haven't ever dated because no one ever checked the boxes before now."
"Kennedy Thorne," I gasp, shocked. "Did you meet someone?"
"Yes. I mean no." She buries her face in her hands and groans. "Maybe I saw someone who caught my eye last night?" She peeks at me over her hands, her cheeks blazing red. "He's so damn beautiful, but I doubt he even noticed me."
"Last night? At Sophie's rehearsal dinner?" I ask, still shocked. My sister has never noticed a man before. Ever. We've been two peas in a pod on that front. I guess no one ever caught my eye before now either. But Jared isn't just anyone. He's...God, I think he's the only one.
"Maybe," she mumbles and then shovels a bite of cereal into her mouth before I can push for more details. The look in her green eyes—as if she's confused or maybe feels a little vulnerable—convinces me to drop the subject. She'll talk when she's ready.
"Maybe I have a type too," I confess. Is there even a type that describes Jared? He's in a category all on his own, I think. Intelligent, sexy as sin, charming, filthy. He's…my daddy. A little thrill goes through me as soon as I think the word. He's my Prince Charming and my autocratic King. My obsession and my happy place.He's everything I never knew I wanted, and everything I desperately want to keep.
No one has ever made me feel safer to explore and be myself. With him, I don't feel like I have to hold part of myself back or hide pieces of me from him. I can be who I am and say what I think. He casts no judgement. He doesn't want me to fit into some mold. He just wants…me.
I love him, so much that the mere thought of losing him sends ice into my veins and mangles my heart in my chest. Last night with him was magical, like I was living a fairytale again. Only, the magic didn't unravel at midnight. The handsome prince is really mine this time. And I don't ever have to give him back.
So why does my stomach keep twisting in knots?
I don't have to think hard to land on the answer to that question. Kennedy. Keeping the truth from her feels wrong. Hiding how I feel about Jared is wrong. He isn't a dirty secret, but the man I want to marry. The man I love.
I open my mouth to tell Kennedy the truth…but then I snap it closed again. Maybe I should talk to Jared first. Telling people about our relationship should be a joint decision. Especially when he's the one at risk here. While I don't believe Kennedy would ever tell a soul about us, I don't want to be the thing that destroys everything he's worked so hard for in his life, not when he's already been betrayed by the people he trusted.
If the choice is between keeping our relationship secret until I graduate this spring or ruining his career...well, there is no choice, is there? I will never do anything to hurt him. Just like I know he would never do anything to hurt me.
I can't keep it from Kennedy though. I just…can't.
"You okay?" Kennedy asks.
"Yeah, fine," I say, forcing a smile. "Just tired. I'm going to get a shower."
"Okay. I'll see you"—her brows furrow—"When will I see you again?"
Her question sends a pang through me. We've both been so busy lately that we've barely had any sister time together. She's my best friend and I miss her like crazy.
"Dinner tonight?" I suggest. "What time is the wedding tomorrow? If you don't have to leave too early, we can hang out and watch movies after."
"I have to leave here by like six in the morning so we can do hair and makeup at nine."
"Then we'll hang out tonight and go to bed early," I promise.
"Okay," she says, beaming at me.