Page 42 of Teaching Rowan (Claimed 2)
"No. She's in the baby's room."
"I go see her." She wiggles for me to put her down.
I kiss her on top of the head and then put her on her feet. She wobbles before she manages to steady herself. "No running on the stairs," I remind her. "And hold onto the railing the whole way."
"I'll go with her," Dash says, hopping up to chase after her.
"What about you, lovebug?" I ask Nalani.
"My hungry," she repeats.
"Come on," I say, holding my hands out to her and chuckling. "You can watch your show while I make you food, sweet girl."
She climbs to her feet and then bends all the way over to pick up the tablet. Once she has it, she lets me pick her up to carry her into the kitchen. She settles down at the table while I grab the chicken nuggets and fries out of the freezer.
"Daddy!" Dash yells, panic in his voice.
"Stay right there," I order Nalani and then take off running through the house. I clear the steps three at a time, my heart in my throat.
Dash is waiting at the top, his little eyes wide.
"What's wrong, buddy?"
"Mommy peed in the floor," he says. "And her back hurts."
"Shit." I grab my phone out of my pocket, dialing as I hurry down the hall to the nursery.
Rowan's in the rocking chair, grimacing in pain. Elysia's standing beside her, wide eyed.
There's a puddle of water in the floor.
"I think I'm in labor," Rowan whispers.
Cadence answers the phone on the second ring.
"She's in labor," I blurt as soon I hear her voice. "We're bringing the kids to you."
"We'll be ready," Cadence promises.
"Dash, buddy," I murmur, shoving my phone back into my pocket. "Mommy's going to have the baby. I need you to take Elysia back downstairs and get your bags so you can spend the night with Aunt Cadence, okay?"
"Kay." He doesn't ask questions or waste time. He simply grabs Elysia's hand and heads out of the room with her.
I scoop Rowan up into my arms, carrying her back to the bedroom. My heart pounds with a powerful mix of adrenaline, excitement, and pride. I can't fucking wait to be a daddy again, to meet our son and bring him home.
"He's so perfect," Rowan whispers almost seven hours later, her voice soft, full of awe. Orion is cuddled up on her chest, his tiny fist against his lips. He's sleeping peacefully, worn out from the excitement of being born.
I guess he heard me when I told him that his mama was getting anxious, because labor was quick this time. We barely had her settled into the room before it was time to start pushing. They didn't even have time to give her an epidural or anything for pain.
She handled labor like a goddess, bringing our son into the world with the courage of a ferocious mama bear. She's exhausted now though, only awake because Orion wanted to nurse.
"So are you," I murmur, running my hand down the side of her face. I can't stop touching her, worshipping her. This woman is everything to me. So strong, so brave, so fucking beautiful. "You did so good, little owl."
"So did you." She gives me a sleepy smile. "You always do so good."
"Nah, baby. I just do my job."
It's true. I can't go through pregnancy or labor for her, but I can be the rock she leans on while she does it all. I don't have time to panic or freak out when my woman needs me to be there for her. When Johnson cornered her that day, I made a promise to myself that she would never fight alone again. I'll never break that promise.
"I'm sleepy."
"Here." I reach for Orion, sliding him off her chest and into my arms. He fusses for a moment before he settles down again, content in my arms. He doesn't cry very much. As soon as the nurses laid him on Rowan's chest after he was born, he settled right down. Even when he's hungry, he just whines. "Rest, pretty Paradise. I'll get him back in bed."
"Okay." She yawns and blinks at me. "I love you."
"Always, little owl."
Her eyes drift closed, a smile on her lips.