Page 18 of Teaching Rowan (Claimed 2)
Thirty-three minutes after the final bell rings, Rowan bursts into the Assistant Principal's office like a comet, her chest heaving as if she ran the whole way. Her presence instantly lights up the place. My irritation with Johnson vanishes in a puff of smoke, blown away by the way she looks at me like she's dying to claim that kiss I promised her. She pushes the door closed behind her and then leans back against it, almost shyly.
"Hi." I push my chair away from the desk, turning it to the side.
"School's out," she says, breathless.
"Are the kids gone?"
She nods.
"Come here."
"Because I want you right here."
She sashays over to me, making my dick hard.
The way this woman moves should be illegal. It's sensual, sexy. The fact that she's completely oblivious to how enticing and innocent she looks with those hips swaying and her breasts bouncing does not help my situation any.
"You keep moving like that, I'm going to be fucking you over this desk, Paradise," I growl, reaching out to snag her around the waist. She falls into me with a squeak. Somehow, I manage to drag her into my lap, her legs spread to accommodate mine.
"Sebastian," she whispers, her expression softening. Her gaze drops to my lips and her doe eyes darkens, her pupils dilating. She sways closer to me in the chair, unaware of how enchanting she is when she's turned on and needy. I think she's oblivious to how beautiful she is in general. And it's not just the fact that she looks like a goddess, either. She's beautiful inside and out, one of those rare people who radiates goodness.
"Kiss me, Paradise."
"No, I'm busy staring at you." Her cheeks flush, letting me know she didn't mean to tell me that. And that turns me on too. The fact that her mouth seems to run several steps ahead of the rest of her. Her artlessness honesty and innocence are refreshing. I don't ever want her to lose that, especially not because a dick like Richard Johnson doesn't appreciate how truly precious she is.
"I want you to spend the night with me."
Her long lashes flutter, her gaze jumping from my lips to my eyes. "What?"
"Stay the night with me."
"We just met."
"Yesterday." It feels like I've known her longer than that.
"It feels longer," she says, echoing my thoughts. She's still nibbling on her bottom lip, torn between what she wants to do and what she thinks she should do.
A little frisson of worry works its way through me. I don't want her to get the wrong idea about me. God knows, just a few weeks ago, my own brother assumed I slept around. He was wrong.
A long string of one night stands never interested me. We grew up watching our parents avoid each other. When our mom died, our father never cried. He didn't know her well enough to miss her.
I've never been interested in repeating their mistakes. I didn't want to spend my life trapped in a loveless marriage with someone I merely tolerated, so I've avoided relationships and entanglements, instead focusing on my education and career. It wasn't a hardship.
Rowan is different, for a million reasons I'm still discovering myself. It feels like I've been waiting my whole life for her. For years, I've known something was missing. I just didn't know what. It was her though. It's always been her.
"For the record," I say, "this isn't something I do regularly. I haven't been with anyone in two years. I've never pursued a teacher or anyone who worked under me. You're different."
She nods, still nibbling on her bottom lip.
"Tell me what you're thinking," I murmur, running my hand down the plane of her cheek. Her skin is so soft and smooth. If she wears makeup aside from lipstick and mascara, I can't tell. She doesn't need it if she does. Her tawny skin is flawless.
"I'm thinking about my mom."
It's my turn to blink this time. That was not high on the list of things I expected her to say. Actually, it didn't even make the list of things I expected to come out of her mouth. I feel my lips curve into a smile though. She never says what I expect. I fucking love it.
"Your mom wouldn't approve?"
"No. I mean, no, that's not the problem," she clarifies. "My mom is kind of crazy. She'd tell me to go for it." She smiles affectionately. "I was just thinking about what I'm going to say when I call her tomorrow and tell her I slept with my boss. And about what she's going to say back."
"Does this mean you're thinking about spending the night?" I ask…just to be sure we're on the same page. "Because that sounds like a yes to me and I want to be sure I'm not reading into anything here, Paradise."
"Maybe." Her smile turns mischievous.
I swat her on the ass and then squeeze her plump cheeks in my hands. She has an incredible ass. It's round and juicy, but supple. I can't wait to strip her bare and sink my teeth into it. She squeaks a protest, but I cut her off by leaning up to press my mouth to hers.
Her protest turns to a moan.
I kiss her hard and deep, bucking my hips up to grind against her at the same time. I can't help myself. She makes the sweetest sounds when I make her feel good. And that makes me feel good. I could easily become addicted to pleasuring this woman.
There's something so damn satisfying about knowing I took care of her needs. I made her whine my name and grind her hot little cunt on my dick. I made her eyes glaze over and her mouth pop open. She's my own little piece of paradise, and I'm the one who gets to make her squirm and whine and come.
Jesus, I can't wait to make her come again. Except I want her naked and creaming all over my tongue next time. And then I plan to make her do it again while I'm eight deep and she's wearing my marks all over her lush body.
We kiss for several long moments, grinding against each other like teenagers in the back of daddy's truck on Friday night. When we're both gasping for breath and she's trembling in my arms with need, I back off to place little kisses and love bites all over her chest.
"Spend the night, Paradise," I growl, kneading her ass in my hands. "And when you tell your mom that you slept with your boss, you tell her that your boss will quit himself before letting you suffer any consequences over your relationship with him."
She gasps, meeting my gaze. "You would do that?"