Page 11 of A Touch of Summer
her for the gift she is, dear boy, because I already know she's going to be incredible.
I am so proud of you.
"Dominic," I whisper, trying to fight off tears before I ruin his letter. It's the sweetest thing I've ever read in my life. I fold it up and hand it back to him. "This is incredible."
"She died when I was twenty-four," he says, slipping the note back into his pocket. "I've had that bottle of whiskey and her ring ever since." He cups my cheek in his palm again, using his thumb to wipe away a tear. "I took my first drink the day I met you, Summer."
"Dominic," I manage to say, warmth spreading through me as my heart starts to race.
"I took my second drink three months ago, when I looked around and realized that, because of you, my office felt more like home than my house did. Because you were there, and I got to spend every day with you."
I sob his name this time, unable to stop myself.
"I've loved you since the minute I met you. Had I known you felt the same way, I would have taken a third drink by now." He smiles at me, his eyes soft. "I would have put that ring on your finger and made you my wife, sweet girl." He reaches out, closing my fist around the key in my hand. "I've spent so much time worried about crossing a line and losing you that I didn't see what was right in front of me. I didn't see that I was the thing making you so fucking sad all this time. I was an idiot and I almost lost you anyway."
"I don't want to quit," I cry.
"I know you don't," he says, wiping away more tears, "but I'm not going to ask you to stay. I'm not even going to ask you to marry me today, beautiful girl. But I am giving you this key and hoping like hell you'll give me a chance to prove that I can love you the way you deserve to be loved. And when you're ready, when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I love you beyond all reason, I hope you'll use that key and place the ring that belongs to you on your finger."
I sob harder.
He pulls me into his arms, holding me as I cry into his shirt. "I'm so fucking sorry I hurt you being an idiot, sunshine. Please don't cry."
"You aren't an idiot," I say, trying to get myself under control again. My heart is racing a million miles a minute and I feel like I'm floating on air. But if he's an idiot, then so am I. Because I didn't say anything either. I didn't let myself believe he felt the same way. "I t-thought you knew how I felt and that you pulled away because you didn't feel the same way."
"No, sweet girl," he promises, pressing his lips to my forehead. "I came so close to kissing you the last time we worked late together, but I was terrified I would lose you if I crossed that line. Every time you've smiled at me, I wanted to kiss you. When you've laughed, I wanted to wrap you up in my arms. Every single time. But the thought of not having you in my life is literal hell. My life is brighter because you're in it. Because you're my sunshine. I didn't want to jeopardize our working relationship when it was the only part of you I thought I could have."
"You can have all of me," I say, sniffling as the knots in my stomach finally unravel, leaving me feeling peaceful for the first time in months. "I love you, Dominic."
"Fuck," he whispers. The emotion welling in his eyes turns them darker, making him look fierce. He moves toward me, not stopping until we're both inside my apartment. "Say that again."
"I love you."
He steps toward me again, kicking the door closed. "Again."
"I love you."
"I love you too. Summer. So fucking much. Can I kiss you? I need to kiss you. Tell me I can."
"Yes," I whisper, my heart in my throat and stars in my eyes.
Chapter Four
I try to tell myself to take it slow, but she just told me she loves me. She said I can have all of her. She gave me permission to kiss the shit out of her. I can't take it slow. I don't even know what slow is when every fiber of my being screams for me to make her mine right this second so nothing can ever take her from me.
My hands shake as I frame her beautiful face with them, tilting her head back so I can see her. Her baby blues shine with happiness despite how puffy and red they are. Her face is splotchy, and her nose is red. She's still so damn beautiful.
"You're so damn beautiful, Summer. Jesus, I feel like I can't breathe when you smile at me." I shake my head, trying to clear it of the haze of desire—of need—clouding my mind. "I've thought about kissing you a thousand times since I met you."
"Me too."
"Yeah? I should have done it that night. Your lipstick was making me crazy. It always makes me crazy. I want to kiss it all off you."
"Dominic?" Her lips curve up into a happy smile, her blue eyes darkening with desire. "Stop talking and kiss me already, please."