Page 7 of Pregnant and Needy (Forbidden Fantasies 56)
“I know, right?” she asks. “My mom used to use Aqua Net, so I picked up the habit too, and I’ve never used anything else. It’s just so strong and better than anything else.”
I nod and strain around, trying to aim the can at my ass. But it’s impossible given my belly and I turn back to the friendly young woman.
“I’m so sorry to ask this,” I begin hesitantly. “But could you…?”
“Oh gosh you probably can’t reach around, can you?” she giggles. Then, the woman grabs the bottle and makes a circle motion with her finger. “Here, turn around. I know what to do.”
I comply and she lifts the edges of the underwear and sprays my backside. I jump a little as the cold mist hits my ass.
She just giggles.
“Sorry! It’s the downside of this nifty trick.” She sprays the other side and then pats my panties back in place. “You’re good to go now.”
“Thanks,” I grin, feeling surprisingly unembarrassed by the fact that a perfect stranger has basically just touched my ass. She sticks her hand out with a bright smile.
“I’m Chelsea,” the woman says. “Nice to meet you.”
“Yup, and I’m nervous,” I tell her with a smile, shaking her hand. “Also called Hannah.”
Chelsea laughs kindly. “We all get a little nervous, but honestly it’s fun. Is this your first time here at City Girls?”
I nod. “Is it that obvious?” I ask her with a worried bite of my lip.
“No, not at all. I just haven’t seen you before is all,” she reassures me. Then, Chelsea looks down at my huge belly, which is pouring over the top of my waistband. “By the way, how far along are you?”
“Almost six months at this point,” I sigh. “But I feel like I’m in my third trimester already.”
Her brown eyes go wide. “OMG, really? Can you feel the baby kick yet?”
I nod earnestly. “All the time now, and it is totally wild,” I tell her, feeling more relaxed now that I have someone to talk to in the busy dressing room. “It’s like having an alien growing inside you. Have you ever seen that scene in Spaceballs where an alien pops out of the guy’s stomach and then starts doing a high-kick dance? That’s what it’s like.”
Chelsea stares at me and then starts to giggle.
“No way.”
“Yes way,” I assure her. “Except the alien hasn’t popped out yet in this case. He’s just high-kicking in my belly.”
With that, we both dissolve into giggles and I feel like I’ve made a new friend, albeit under strange circumstances. Chelsea’s pretty actually, dressed in a skimpy corset covered in beads and a thong that resembles a piece of pink floss. Her heels are about two inches higher than mine, and lustrous brown hair flows down her back in shiny waves.
“I hope I look okay,” I blurt out. “God, all the women here are so pretty and I’m the only one who’s totally preggers.”
Chelsea giggles. “You’re gorgeous, girl. You’re glowing! Here, check yourself out.” She turns me so that I’m facing the mirror once more, and I blink under the ambient lights of the vanity bulbs.
My round doe eyes do look innocent and large with the carefully applied makeup. My brown curly hair is swept into a deep part on the left side before flowing in Veronica Lake-like waves over my shoulders, and my outfit, while definitely revealing, makes me feel incredibly womanly.
“You’re beautiful,” Chelsea says firmly. “In a way that only a pregnant woman could be, and the guys are going to love it.” But then she turns back to her own dressing area, kicking one of her long legs up onto a chair to fix the strap on her heel. “So, how did you get involved in tonight’s look-see?” she asks while shooting me a curious glance.
I sigh.
“It’s kind of a long story, but a friend of mine used to be an escort with City Girls, and she raved about it, so I decided to sign up and see if there was a place for someone in my condition,” I gesture to my protruding belly. “My friend was pregnant when she worked with City Girls, so I wasn’t surprised when they said yes. But I was surprised when they asked if I was available this very Friday.”
Chelsea smiles and nods knowingly. “That makes sense because I know management likes to have a range of women when they do these special look-sees.”
I tilt my head to a side. “What do you mean by special? I mean, I know we’re here to parade around for men, but is this a daily deal or some kind of half price special?”
“No, no, nothing like that,” my new friend laughs. “City Girls just likes to keep things fresh so they put on ‘special events’ on occasion to vary the offerings. Some of them can get weird because I wasn’t really into the outer space theme, or the 18th century English hunting lodge reenactment either, but some are okay.”