Page 29 of Pregnant and Needy (Forbidden Fantasies 56)
I merely smile while snaking my arms around that bronzed neck.
“Then what are you waiting for?” I mewl. “Let’s get started on our second child now.”
That’s all I have to say before Rick’s lips are on my own, his hands all over my curvy body as he crushes me to his broad chest. I moan into his caress, my body and mind his to adore because I know my man will cherish them. Rick Taylor loves me, and he’s already been through a gauntlet, what with my fears, my demands, and my insecurities. But that’s what a good partner does. He loves me because I’m me, and accepts me for who I am.
As a result, I’ve transformed as a woman. I’ve decided to let the past go, and to work through my anxieties and hang-ups. After all, Rick’s promised to make the future bright, and I know the handsome billionaire will deliver. Even more, my heart’s changed so much that I can’t wait for a second child, or even a third or fourth with this powerful, possessive man. After all, this is the alpha male I adore, and a family is the most wonderful type of love we can create together.
Six months later.
I pad around the room, giving the hotel suite some finishing touches. I plump up a pillow here, smooth out a blanket there, and check that the drinks are still cold.
“Hannah,” my man growls ominously, “you should rest for a minute before we get started.”
I shake my head vigorously. “No way, because I’m way too revved up about the workshop. Besides, we got a babysitter for the night, so I’m definitely going to make the most of it.”
Rick sighs and smiles ruefully. “Well, at least let me help you.”
I turn around and look at the man I love. “Why are you so good to me?”
Rick lays a gentle hand on my bulging belly. “Because I love you, sweetheart, and because you’re carrying our second baby,” he growls in my ear. “Nothing’s more important to me right now than making sure that you and the child are well.”
I place my hand over his and sigh, relaxing into his embrace for a moment. It feels so safe and secure, and I take a moment to lean against my man’s broad chest while letting the buzzing energy drain from me a bit. I am a little tired, come to think of it, but I’m also excited for today. After all, my partner and I are giving a special workshop tonight for a select group of City Girls patrons: Fisting for Lovers 101. Yes, it’s true. Even though I’m pregnant, my old manager at the agency convinced me to put on this masterclass for a select clientele. As a result, my man and I are going to lead a practicum on the art and science of fisting a woman until she screams with pleasure.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Rick murmurs in my ear. “I mean, we could always say your water broke or something.”
I shake my head, giggling.
“No, I’m fine. And you know that my second pregnancy’s made me so horny all the time,” I breathe against his lips. “I think this will help me work some of that energy out.” But then I perk up. “Okay, we’ve got to get going because our pupils will be here any minute!”
Rick shakes his head once more and pats me on the bottom.
“Our pupils? Holy shit, I sound like an old professor.”
I merely giggle while prancing around the suite in my tiny bits of lingerie, adjusting a knick-knack here, while making sure our bower of pillows is properly positioned to give everyone a good look.
“Well, if you’re old then you’re going to have to rest up because all eyes are going to be on you, big boy,” I warn. “You know that I’ll just be lying there most of the time. It’s your fist that’s going to do all the work.”
My man growls, his blue eyes flaming.
“I can’t wait, honey. And my fist can’t wait either, seeing that it’s soon going to be in your sexy body.”
I giggle again, but then a deep voice startles us from the door.
“Rick, my man,” Cade’s deep baritone rings out. “I thought I’d drop in on this masterclass you were talking about. It’s going to be informative, eh?” I giggle as Cade swoops over to give me a kiss on the cheek. “Damn, Hannah, wearing heels when you’re pregnant? I hope to meet a woman like you someday.”
Rick glowers, but I just laugh.
“Calm down, mister, because you’ll meet your woman soon enough. Besides, I’ve paired you up with a sweet girl whom I think you’re really going to like.”
Cade’s immediately curious, his black brows shooting up.
“Oh really? Who?” he demands.
I nod.
“Let’s just say she’s young, gorgeous, and very, very amenable to exploration. For example, today’s class is all about fisting the front way, but to be honest, I think she might even be open to letting you fist her in her back door if you’re nice.”