Page 12 of Pregnant and Needy (Forbidden Fantasies 56)
As a result, I take a deep breath and then step into the wine bar. It’s cozy yet elegant, with a big square bar in the center with a wooden top that gleams beneath low-hanging Edison bulbs. Stools are fixed into the ground around the u-shaped center as bartenders scurry about inside. There are tables on each side, and the soft hum of music greets my ears as well-dressed patrons talk and laugh with their companions.
But where’s my client? They told me his name is Rick, but that’s hardly enough to go by. Suddenly, my gaze lands on an incredibly handsome man who seems to tower above everyone else. He’s standing to the left of the bar, and our eyes lock immediately. Literally, I feel like I’ve just been struck by lightning and my knees turn to Jell-O. OMG, could this be Rick? Sure enough, when the man sees me, those blue eyes flare and then he strides over.
“Hannah,” he growls, greeting me like an old friend. “Hi, thanks for coming. I’m Rick.”
I swallow hard because this man is sex personified. He’s got ebony hair the shade of the darkest obsidian. His gaze is a penetrating blue and oh god, that body. Wide shoulders fill out his suit jacket, and there’s clearly a broad chest beneath the expensive material with powerful arms and long, toned legs. Is every part of him just as big and gorgeous?
Get it together, Hannah, I berate myself. You’ve just met this man so don’t lose your head. I manage to smile brightly, like nothing’s wrong. “Yes, I’m Hannah, hi.”
I extend my hand to shake, but instead Rick pulls me in and touches his lips to my palm. My skin burns from the quick brush, and I can’t help but wonder what his lips might feel like across my entire body. So much for keeping it together, I scold myself internally. You’re losing it like a teen girl seeing her movie star crush.
“Nice to meet you,” Rick chuckles, eyes gleaming as if he can read my thoughts. “Shall we sit?”
I nod, too dumbstruck by this gorgeous male specimen to be able to find the right words to say. With another chuckle, he leads me toward the back where there’s a reserved table, and pulls my chair out. I brace against the table as I start to lower my bulky form, but to my surprise, Rick grabs my arm to help.
“Thank you,” I murmur, blushing a bit. “I’m a little ungainly as of late.”
He chuckles.
“Ungainly isn’t what I would call it,” he rumbles. “More like incredibly beautiful.”
A hot flush crosses my cheeks as he folds himself into the space across from me, but then the man pauses as his face falls. “Crap,” he curses under his breath. I frown.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, alarmed. I look around quickly, trying to figure out what’s happening. Did I do something? Did someone spill a drink?
Rick merely shakes his head and shoots me a rueful grin.
“No, I’ve just realized what a dunce I am that’s all. I’ve brought a pregnant woman to a wine bar but the problem is that of course, you can’t drink. I’m such an idiot.”
I giggle lightly. “Oh, it’s okay. I really like the vibe of this place, so I don’t mind.”
Rick sighs and takes my hand, his big palm warm. “Are you sure, sweetheart? We can go elsewhere. It’s not a problem.”
I nod.
“No, it’s totally fine. It’s been a long time since I’ve been out, so it’s nice for a change. I’ll just have a water or a juice. It’s okay,” I reassure him.
“Thanks, sweetheart. You’re a lifesaver,” he grins.
I smile right back while picking up the menu.
“Oh, see? They have a few non-alcoholic cocktails, so that’s perfect. Goodness, they even have a non-alcoholic wine! Who knew that existed?”
Rick grins.
“Are you a mocktail type of person?”
I smile, giggling a bit.
“No because the word ‘mocktail’ is so ridiculous in and of itself. It makes me think of teen drinks like virgin pina coladas, flavored wine coolers, and that kind of thing. But I will indulge if the occasion calls for it.”
Rick chuckles, and I can feel him relaxing. “I knew I was going to like you,” he says with a grin.
But before I can respond, a waitress walks over to take our orders. Once we’ve made our selections, I smile and then take a deep breath.
“So,” I say.
“So,” the billionaire rumbles right back, looking very handsome and very male. “What brings you here?”
OMG, how am I supposed to answer that question? What is he asking, precisely? I decide to just go with the truth, as awkward as it may sound.
“Well, I’m not really sure how this is supposed to happen,” I confess, suddenly feeling horrifyingly vulnerable. “I haven’t been on a date in a long time.”
Rick laughs briefly, but his eyes are kind. “I take it you aren’t a regular at City Girls?”