Page 84 of Fifteen Shooting Stars
As we walked on the beach, I placed a hand on my well-rounded belly. “Colton, I feel like a beach whale.”
“My lovely wife, you are beautiful,” Colton replied.
“My feet are swollen, not that I can even see them myself anymore.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll let you know if you put on shoes that don’t match,” he teased.
“Be careful, Mr. Marzoni, or you’ll be on diaper duty for the first few months,” I joked. “And with twins, it’s not going to be fun.”Carrying them is no picnic, either.
“I still can’t believe you don’t want to know the sex of the babies. How are we supposed to come up with names?”
“I thought we had decided. If they are girls, we name them after your biological mother and adoptive mother. If they are boys, we name them after our dads.”
“What if we have one of each?” he questioned.
“Then we will flip a coin,” I said, suddenly not feeling like walking or talking right now. I rubbed my side.
“Are you okay,” he asked.
“Yes. Your son or daughter was trying to give their opinion, too.” Another sharp pain and I added, “I think they are boys and one is going to be a professional boxer.” I took a few more steps, and then felt warmth running down my legs. “Oh no.”
“What’s wrong?” he asked,
“I think we are going to need those names sooner than we thought. I’m in labor,” I said.
Colton looked at me, then scooped me into his arms and started walking quickly back up the beach to our car. “Hold on. I’ll get you to the hospital.”
Another sharp pain hit me, and I wasn’t so confident that we had plenty of time. “Colton, maybe you should call an ambulance,” I said.
“I will as soon as we get to the car,” he said, picking up the pace.
“Oh, I can’t believe it. The children are siding with you just so we must discuss the names tonight,” I tried joking.
“Baby, if you can just hold on until we get to the hospital, you can name both children whatever you want,” he said.
I smiled, “If we don’t make it quick, we won’t have to worry about the hospital.”
When we got to the car, Colton called 911 and gave them our location. Soon the ambulance arrived. Colton sat beside me on the gurney as we headed to the hospital.
“You’re doing fine. The contractions are ten minutes apart, so we have plenty of time to get there,” they said. “You have nothing to worry about.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re not having twins,” I said.
Colton held my hand. “No he’s not. But the most amazing strong woman I know is. And you’re going to do great. Our children are so lucky to have you as a mother.”
“And you as a dad. I love you, Colton.”
“I love you too, Annabella. Thank you for making all my dreams come true.”
He wasn’t the only one with dreams. I had plenty, and they all started and ended with Colton. I wasn’t afraid of what was coming next, because I wasn’t facing it alone. The man who stole my heart would be with me through it all.
The future is full of new adventures, and I can’t wait for us to take them all on together, the four of us.