Page 72 of Fifteen Shooting Stars
“Annabella and I haven’t spoken in more than a week. I went to meet her parents and her father flipped out when he learned who my biological father was. He ordered me out of his house and told me to stay away from his daughter.”
“Why the hell would he do that?” he asked.
“It wasn’t anything I did, that’s for sure.”
“And what has Annabella said about it?” Dad asked.
“I haven’t spoken to her,” I admitted.
Dad looked shocked. “You haven’t called her? What is wrong with you? I know you love her.”
“I do, but Dad, her father hates me. I can’t ask her to take sides. It’s not fair.”
“Life isn’t always fair, son. Is this what you want? Not being with the woman you love?” he asked angrily.
I shook my head.
“If your mother was alive, she’d tell you to get your ass back there and fight for her.”
“At what price?” I asked. “She loves her family. Family is everything to her,” I explained.
“Then I guess you have a lot of thinking to do, because this is a pivotal moment in your life. You have a choice to make, and doing nothing isn’t one of them,” he stated.
“I know, Dad, I know.”
I downed the rest of my beer and got up.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“To finish painting the ceiling.”
It might not be what I wanted to be doing, but at least it was one thing I had control over.
The ceiling was just the first of the projects. While I was there, Dad had me paint the entire bedroom. He said it was too difficult for him to sleep in there without Mom. The walls she’d painted in bright colors were now a neutral cream.
It was late and Dad said he was going to bed. I’d finished off the twelve-pack of beer myself and knew I shouldn’t attempt to drive to my apartment. Instead of taking my old room, I grabbed a blanket and headed back out onto the porch. It’d been a long time since I slept under the stars.
Lying on the swing I looked up and couldn’t help but think back to everything Dad had told me. The choices my mothers had made weren’t easy. The choice for Dad to share this information with me wasn’t easy, either. Life was filled with hard choices. It was time for me to make mine.
Mom, what should I do?
Just then the sky brightened, and a bright shooting star raced across the night sky towards the east. I smiled. I knew what I needed to do.
Thanks, Mom.
Tomorrow I would head back to Boston. Not to see Annabella, but to confront Greg.I’m not the only one who has difficult choices to make. See you tomorrow, Mr. Montgomery.