Page 68 of Fifteen Shooting Stars
“Just wanted to talk,” I said.
“About Colton?” she asked.
“I’d rather wait for Dad to get back,” I replied.
“Annabella, I understand. You’re doing the right thing,” she said.
“You don’t even know what I’m going to say,” I told her.
“It’s written all over your face. You want to tell us that you love Colton and nothing we say or do is going to change that.”
Damn. Guess you do know.
“I’m sorry, Mom. You just don’t know him like I do. He’s not a bad person. If he was I…”
“Wouldn’t love him. That I understand. You’re a very picky person. If he was mistreating you in any way, you wouldn’t have given him the time of day.”
Ain’t that the truth.
“How do you think Dad will take it?” My mom seemed to be fine, but she wasn’t the one filled with hate over the Hendersons.
“I wish I could answer that. Your father never spoke to me about why he feels like he does. Maybe he was protecting me. Either way, you need to do what is best for you. Your father and I have our relationship. It’s time that you have the one you want, too,” she said.
I smiled and hugged her. “Thanks, Mom. I love you.”
“I love you too, Annabella.”
Just then, my dad’s car pulled into the driveway. He came to join us on the porch.
“Am I interrupting?” he asked.
“No. Our daughter would like to speak to us. Why don’t you sit here beside me?” she said, patting the seat that would put him out of arm’s reach.
Thanks Mom. I’m hoping I don’t need a barrier, but am grateful for one.
“What did you want to talk about? Are you leaving the business?” he asked.
“Not yet. I’m here to talk about Colton,” I said.
“I’ve made myself clear. He’s not welcome here,” he said firmly, his tone filled with anger.
“I know, Dad.”
This was the hardest thing I’d ever had to do. Mom gave me an encouraging nod.
I took a deep breath and plowed on. “But if he’s not welcome, then I’m not welcome. We come as a package deal.”
“Is he making you come here and say this?” Dad snapped.
“No. He has no idea I’m doing this.”
“Then why are you?” he questioned.
“Because I love him. He’s the man I choose to be with. If you love me, you’ll respect my decision. I’m not saying you have to forgive James Henderson for whatever he did, but I am saying that you shouldn’t punish Colton for something he knows nothing about. And when you draw that line with Colton, you’re drawing it with me as well.”
It felt like I was twisting a knife in my own gut. I could see the pain in his eyes. I was hurting him and I wished I didn’t have to. But I had to think of my future. And hopefully that was with Colton.
Dad just stared at me and said, “Is this how it really is going to be?”