Page 48 of Fifteen Shooting Stars
I looked in the mirror and saw bags under my eyes. Picking up the concealer, I dabbed a small amount under each eye and hoped that it would help.
Colton came into the bathroom and said, “You don’t need makeup. You look beautiful just the way you are.”
I turned around and asked, “Are you looking at me, because I have bags under my eyes from lack of sleep.”
He kissed my forehead and said, “I don’t feel bad at all. If anything, I wish I didn’t have to leave tonight so I could keep you up all night again tonight.”
“You’re horrible,” I said.
“Are you saying you’d rather sleep?” he teased.
I giggled. “No. That’s what they made makeup for.” Then I looked him over and asked, “Why it is you don’t look exhausted?”
He slapped me on the ass playfully and said, “That’s what you get for being on top, not thatI’mcomplaining”
It wasn’t entirely true. We’ve had sex in several positions, all extremely pleasurable. But somehow, I had taken control a few times and found myself straddling him, and loving every damn second of it. I blushed. “I’ll remember that next time.”
Colton pulled me into his arms and kissed me. Instantly my body warmed with need. I had to fight the urge to start unbuttoning his shirt. When my dad said noon, he meant it. Pulling back slightly I said, “We are going to have to continue this later. Right now we have to get going to my parents’ house.”
“I was thinking that I should leave a bag here for the next time I come. What do you think?” he asked.
He didn’t really bring much, just two changes of clothes, but leaving them there was a statement. I shouldn’t be so surprised at it. We’d become so close in such a short time. I was falling in love with him, and I wasn’t sure if he knew it.Maybe leaving his bag here is his way of saying he feels the way I do.
“I think that’s a great idea.”It means you’ll be back.
He stepped away and asked, “How do I look?”
We had gone out shopping last night for something for him to wear. Black slacks and a white buttoned shirt looked perfect on him. But I had to admit, I liked him in his jeans and cowboy boots. They seemed to fit who he was, better. I understood, though; Colton wanted to make a good first impression. But they were going to love him, just like I did.
“Very handsome.” I spun around and asked, “Me?”
“It’s not red, but I guess the blue dress looks nice, too,” he teased.
“Then we can head over to their house,” I said.
“Not so fast. I’m not meeting your mother without those flowers,” he reminded me. “No second chance to make a first impression.”
“She’s not even expecting them,” I said, knowing time was going to be close already. “I really don’t want to be late.”
He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into his arms. “Then you should’ve thought about that before joining me in the shower.”
“I was just trying to conserve water,” I lied.
“Funny how we were in there twice as long,” he said, looking down at me, the hunger returning to his eyes.
“Easy, tiger. My mom can live without flowers, but Dad will be watching the clock,” I warned him.
Colton let me go and said, “Let’s get out of here.”
My parents didn’t live far from me, just far enough to make it inconvenient for them to butt into my business. I hadn’t told them that Colton was staying with me, and I didn’t plan to do so now. Between our lovemaking sessions, I provided him with a list of topics to avoid. Politics, religion, and sex. All three would be frowned upon, or make my dad go off on a tangent. Since they were not discussed at Rhonda’s, I wasn’t worried about him bringing any of them up today.
Colton was right, and we had just enough time to stop and pick up flowers. I watched him instantly relax once the flowers were in his possession. This brunch really meant a lot to him, and it showed by his effort. When we had more time alone, I was going to thank him properly for that.
Normally I would just walk into the house without knocking, but not today. I knocked and opened the door. “Hello, Mom. Hello, Dad. We’re here.”