Page 45 of Fifteen Shooting Stars
“Rhonda, you didn’t need to make so much food. It’s like you invited an army over, instead of just me and Annabella,” I said as we took our seats at her kitchen table.
“When you have kids, you’ll understand. You cook thinking there will be tons of leftovers, and somehow overnight, they all get gobbled up,” Rhonda replied.
“I’m surprised they aren’t here,” I said.
“Trust me, they will be here later, all sugared up. Once a month all the cousins get together and go out. This time they’re bowling, then going to the movies. It was good timing since you guys were coming over. Now we can hear ourselves talk,” she sighed.
“I’m sure they prefer being out, too,” Annabella said.
Rhonda nodded. “Annabella, I never got to thank you for the flowers. I would’ve called you, but I didn’t have your number.”
She had asked me for it, but I intentionally let it slip my mind and never gave it to her. I wanted Annabella to know my family, but I was still getting to know this side of it myself. I wasn’t trying to hide anything from Annabella, but I didn’t want her knowing more about my family than I did.
Annabella replied, “You’re welcome. I know it might have been a confusing card, but Colton had shared with me why he was here, and I wanted to show my support.”
That was a good save. Annabella had told me the real reason behind the flowers, but Rhonda appeared to accept her explanation.
“It really was a wonderful and yet stressful weekend when we first met,” Rhonda said. “We had talked briefly on the phone before he arrived, but until Colton was here in the flesh, I wasn’t sure it was real. Funny, though. The moment I saw him, a huge weight lifted. I’m so happy he found us. And I’m happy that he decided to share it with you. It says how much you mean to him, not that anyone needs to tell me that. I can see just by the way you two look at each other that you’re in love,” she said.
No, I’m not. I’m in… very strong like.
Love was something I’d never told a woman before. I had never even come close to feeling it for anyone I’d dated. Then again, what I felt for Annabella was like nothing I’d ever felt, period. Was it possible I was falling in love? Rhonda wasn’t the first to tell me I was. After I dropped Annabella off at the airport two weeks ago, Dad said I had a look on my face that a man only gets when he’s not with his one true love. I had brushed it off as Dad still missing Mom and projecting his loss onto me.
Falling in love can’t really happen this fast.What I’m feeling for Annabella was more than just lust, but ‘love at first sight’ was something romance writers made up to sell books, and I’m definitely not one of their readers.
I needed to gauge Annabella’s reaction to Rhonda’s comment. When I looked over at her, I saw she was equally shocked. I wasn’t sure whether that pleased me or concerned me. Maybe we weren’t on the same page after all.
Phil once again came to my rescue. “Rhonda, you are talking like a sister who has been waiting for years for her brother to meet someone. Have you forgotten that you two only just met each other?”
“No, I haven’t. But we’re twins. We have a special bond. That’s how I know what he feels for her,” she said, standing her ground.
Phil laughed. “I’d mention you’ve been saying what a cute couple they would make and that I think you might have convinced yourself they’re in love….but since I live with you and don’t want to eat takeout for the next week, I’ll just keep quiet.”
“Oh, you might be having takeout anyway,” she warned, in a teasing tone.
Annabella snickered. “I think it’s nice you’ve spent so much time thinking about your brother. It shows how muchyoulove him.”
I bit back my laughter.Good one, Annabella.
“See. Someone appreciates me,” Rhonda said, totally missing the ribbing that Annabella was giving. I know if I’d said the same thing, it wouldn’t have been accepted quite so easily.
Phil turned to me and said, “Help me out here.”
I shrugged. “I’m new to having a sister, but I already know that no matter what either of us say, we’re going to lose.”
Annabella couldn’t contain her laughter.
Rhonda joined in. “Finally, they understand.”
I might not appreciate Rhonda pushing the subject of my relationship, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t on my mind. We were dating, that much we agreed upon. We took it to the next level, several times last night, and I don’t regret that at all. None of that changed the fact that I couldn’t leave South Dakota for any serious length of time. My dad would be alone there, and he needs me, especially after losing mom. And the last time I looked at a map, South Dakota was never going to have beachfront property.
Love or not, we still have so much to talk about.
“What are your plans for this weekend?” Phil asked, changing the subject.