Page 2 of Fifteen Shooting Stars
“Call them now,” he directed.
“I was hoping for a little privacy,” I said.
“It’s just us in the car. You don’t get much more private than that.”
You do. It’s called being alone.
There was no point in waiting.It’s almost seven, so what are the odds anyone is still in the office to answer my call?
I dialed the number, but instead of reaching voicemail, a woman answered.
“Hello, thank you for calling Ancestry Lost and Found. How can I help you?”
“Hi. This is Colton Marzoni. I received a text about an hour ago.” Colton Marzoni was my adoptive name. I wanted to learn my birth name, but those records were sealed. With any luck, I was about to learn why.
“Yes, Mr. Marzoni. Thank you for calling. If you could hold for a moment, I can transfer you to our director.”
I was on hold for a few seconds before someone picked up. “Mr. Marzoni, this is Richard. We spoke a while back.”
“Yes, I remember. Have you located my parents?” I asked, half holding my breath.
“We have found your mother, but unfortunately, she passed away almost ten years ago.”
I was prepared to learn she couldn’t be located; in fact, I had pretty much given up on finding her. But finding out she was deceased was a possibility that had never entered my mind. Her name didn’t seem quite so important at the moment. Even though I never knew her, deep down I felt a loss, an emptiness. It was unexpected. I didn’t want Jack to pick up on it.
“How did she…die?” I asked.
“I do not have the information,” Richard said. “But I have requested a copy of her death certificate. It will be listed there.”
“Is that what your message meant?” I questioned.That I’ll never know why she gave me away?
“Not entirely. Although your mother is no longer with us, I learned that she had a daughter, too. That is how I was able to find information regarding your mother. The DNA match shows you have a sister and share both the same mother and father,” he explained.
A sister.So many thoughts came to mind, a million questions, but I knew Richard wasn’t the one who held the answers. What I wanted to know, needed to know, was on a much more personal level. I loved my adoptive parents, but I was nothing like them, and though I tried, I never felt as though I fit. Would I feel any different after meeting my sister? I have no idea. All I did know is this wasn’t a dead end. Maybe my father was still alive and could tell me about my ancestors. If not, at least I’ve found some answers. I had a family that was…mine from birth. Mine through blood.
I felt a twinge of guilt for never mentioning my search to my adoptive parents, the Marzonis, but I didn’t want to hurt them. They were up there in age, both in their late seventies, and the last thing they needed was to think I didn’t appreciate all they had done for me. I was and always would be their son. That didn’t mean I didn’t want to - or need to - know where I came from.
“I need to see her,” I stated firmly.
“Mr. Marzoni, I have placed a call reaching out to her and we’re awaiting a response.”
“Just give me her contact information and I’ll call her myself,” I said.No reason to use a middleman.
“We do not even know she’s aware of your existence. It is against company policy to divulge any information without the other party’s consent. It would be better if we explained the situation to her. I promise we will keep you abreast of any developments,” Richard said.
“I’ve waited a long time for this. How much longer do I need to wait?” I barked, my anger evident in my tone.
“Chill, Colton,” Jack interjected. “He’s just doing his job,” He knew me well enough to sense that my temper was about to get the better of me.
Richard might be doing his job, and Jack might be trying to be a good friend, but neither were in my situation; they couldn’t know how I felt. All I wanted was to know my real family.And why they didn’t want me.
“Mr. Marzoni, I know this is not easy, but we must think of your sister as well. If it’s what you want, I promise we will do everything in our power to bring the two of you together,” Richard stated.
“I don’t care what time, day or night, call me as soon as you hear from her,” I said.
“We will. Have a good night, Mr. Marzoni,” he said, and ended the call.
I don’t think I’m going to have a good anything until I know who she is and see her for myself.