Page 4 of Rockstar Gods
Fucking great. Because that was going to help me get laid.
Insert another eye roll.
The door opened again and Cash and Bishop pushed through the crowd. A curvy blonde had her arms wrapped around Bishop from behind. He had one arm draped over her shoulder, but I could tell by the look on his face that he was impatient at what looked like constant nattering.
“Look.” Bishop blocked the doorway, dropping his arm from the blonde. I could tell by his face he wasn’t in the mood. Then again, he was a moody bastard, so you could never really quite get a read on him.
But when the blonde reached for him again, he blocked her. “Fuck off. If I wanted a cheap whore I’d go out and buy myself one.”
The smile fell off the blonde’s face and she jerked back.
“Shit,” Cash said, shoving Bishop out of the doorway. “Ignore him. He's an asshole.” Then he gestured towards his own chest. “But I play lead guitar. I’m welcoming.” He grabbed her hands and tugged her into the green room with us, signaling for security to shut the door behind her.
“Wanna see a coin trick?” Cash smiled charismatically at the woman.
The blonde seemed confused, going from being insulted one moment to being charmed the next.
“O-okay,” she said. I could only watch on from the corner in amusement. I’d seen this one about a thousand times.
Cash pulled a coin out of his pocket. “Heads or tails?”
She shrugged, clearly the kinda gal who could flit from topic to topic and fella to fella without much care. “I don’t know. Heads?”
Cash grinned. “Heads it is.” He flipped the coin and caught it expertly on the outside of his hand. Then he revealed it to her. “Heads.”
She giggled. “It’s just a coincidence. Or a one-sided coin.”
Cash shrugged. “Call tails this time.”
More giggling. “Okay, tails.”
Cash showed her the coin up close, demonstrating that it did indeed have both heads and tails. Then he flipped it again, and when he revealed, it was tails this time.
The blonde squealed and smacked him on the shoulder again. “How did you do that?”
“Just wait,” Cash said with a wink. “Heads,” he flipped the coin. It came up heads. “Heads,” he said again, flipped it, and it came up heads.
“Tails,” the blonde said delightedly. Cash flipped and it came up tails.
“How?” The blonde asked, giggling and beating on his shoulder some more.
Cash just pocketed the coin. “I’m lucky. Why do you think they call me Cash?”
I rolled my eyes. Calling him lucky was putting it mildly. He never lost. Things just always seemed to…go his way. He should have been bankrupted and jailed multiple times by now if not for his wellspring of never-ending luck.
He put an arm around the woman’s shoulder, leading her further into the room. “What do you say we sit on this couch here and I can tell you all about my lucky streak in Vegas?”
She giggled again. “I’ll go anywhere with you.”
“Oh yeah?” Cash grinned. “’Cause we’re headed to Vegas next on tour.”
Her eyes lit up and when he sat down, she sat in his lap.
“Well, you better hurry up,” Bishop said from where he was standing by the craft services table, filling up a plate, “because if I hear any more of this lovey-dovey bullshit, I’m gonna puke.”
“Ignore him,” Cash said when the blonde stiffened.
Bishop glared down at his plate. “Goddammit, I need real food.”
“I think that’s my cue to leave,” I said. I had no interest in watching my bandmates satiate their various appetites. I’d been having enough trouble as it was being near them at all lately. I didn’t know what the hell it was. I thought hormones were supposed to go crazy when you were a teenager? But for some reason, mine had decided to go crazy at twenty-four. I’d heard that could happen to women in their thirties but it was hitting early. Or something.
Because all I could think about lately was sex.
And not just any sex.
It wasn’t like I could watch some porn, take care of business and let bygones be bygones.
No. I was experiencing a very particular kind of torture. After so many years touring with my bandmates, I just didn’t have any more strength to push them away. I was horny. All. The. Time. For them and only them. Why, God, why? It was getting harder and harder every day.
I could just hear Cash in my head: that’s what she said. I’d officially been living around these guys too long.
It was ridiculous that I could know them so well and still want them all so much. And it was all of them that I wanted. Bishop with his arrogance and Mason who was so sweet and poetic. Silent and serious Tank. Then there was Cash, who never could take anything seriously.
But what would I say? I like you? All of you?