Page 7 of The Billionaire's Big Bold Wonder (The Billionaires Club)
Chapter Two
Two Months Later
"Stop the car!" I growl at the driver, sitting forward in the seat.
He slams on the brakes in the middle of the roadway, forcing the SUV behind us to swerve around us. The driver lays on the horn as he whips around the limo, nearly taking the sidewalk to avoid careening with us.
"Jesus Christ," I swear, gripping onto the seat. "Not in the middle of the road, man."
"Sorry, sorry." The driver—a young kid with no experience—stomps the gas, throwing me back against the seat.
I bite back another curse as the seatbelt digs into the side of my neck, threatening to strangle me. "Just pull into the parking lot," I demand, ready to get out of this fucking limo before Toby manages to kill both us and any innocent bystanders who happen to be nearby. I'm killing my sister, Jillian, for hiring this kid. If he's driven before, it wasn't a limo. I'm not even sure it was anything bigger than a Tonka truck.
Toby makes a hard right into the parking lot, bumping the curb in the process. He throws another round of apologies over his shoulder before navigating his way into three spaces. I don't even question his parking job. My eyes are fixated on the doors of the hotel, my heart in my throat.
I could have sworn I saw her rush inside. Piper. The goddess who stole my heart and then disappeared with it. She's haunted every dream I've had for the last two months. I've turned Nashville upside down looking for her, but all my family's money, all my status, and all my influence got me exactly nowhere.
When she left my hotel room two months ago, she disappeared. I've been in hell every day since, slowly losing my mind over her. I had one perfect night with her and glimpsed heaven…only to have it promptly snatched away. I'm not a man who likes to lose, especially when it counts. It counted more than ever that night. She counted more than ever.
And one fucking decision sent it all crashing down like a house of cards. No, not one decision. A series of shit decisions on my part. I've replayed every damn one of them on an endless loop for the last two months. My first mistake was not demanding her last name. If I'd had it, perhaps tracking her down would have been easier. My second misstep was not prying for more information about her personal life—where she goes to school, where she lives, the names of her siblings…anything to help.
My third mistake was leaving the room to find her breakfast. Had I known I'd end up in the world's slowest café, I'd have left a note. I'd have woken her up. Hell, I'd have stayed in that bed with her. I'd have done anything other than left her sleeping peacefully, confident that she'd be there when I got back. She wasn't.
Which is all because of the biggest mistake I made. I never let the fucking hotel know I wasn't checking out as planned. She woke up alone with no clue where I was, and then had a housekeeper waltz in and inform her that I'd checked out. It wasn't the housekeeper's fault. I was scheduled to check out that morning, and I never stop by the desk to do it. I leave my keys in the room and go. They handle it from there. But my plans changed when I met Piper at the bar the night before.
I was so caught up in her that I forgot to inform the hotel staff of that information, though. All I was thinking about was the quickest way to get my ring on her finger. And I fucked it all up. The receptionist saw me leave that morning and assumed I was checking out like usual. She sent the housekeeper to clean the room…and the housekeeper told Piper I left.
By the time I got back to the hotel with breakfast, the damage was already done. Piper was gone. I took her virginity in a hotel, promised her the world, and then, as far as she knows, just ditched her. I saw the security footage of her leaving that morning. She fled my room like the hounds of hell were chasing her. She was so pale. That sight has tormented me for the last two months. My sweet girl thinks I had my fun with her and then ran.
She probably fucking hates me. I'd hate me if our roles were reversed.
"Should I pull up to the doors, sir?" Toby asks, recalling my attention.
"No. Stay here," I growl, reaching for the door handle. The last thing I need is for him to take out the front of this hotel trying to maneuver into the valet area. I need to talk to Piper, not risk killing her and everyone else in the damn lobby. The upscale hotel is one of the best in downtown Chattanooga, but I doubt the sleek glass panes would hold up well against the limo.
Why is Piper here? Fuck, was it even Piper I saw? Yes, I know it was. I spent a night memorizing every dip, curve, and roll of that gorgeous body, and the last sixty-seven nights dreaming about them. I'd recognize her anywhere.
I slam the door of the limo and charge across the parking lot like an enraged bull, ready to snatch my girl up and get her somewhere private so we can sort things out. Then I can get my ring on her finger, take her home with me, and we can pretend the last two months never happened. I'll fix this and everything will be just like it was then.
Except it won't.
Two months ago, I wasn't the head of Blake Industries. My uncle was. That changed three weeks ago when he announced his impending retirement. Come Monday, I'll be the majority stakeholder in the company…and one of the biggest billionaires in the state. I'm not so sure that information is going to sway Piper into giving me a second chance. My life is quickly turning into a circus. People who didn't give two shits about Dorian Blake's nephew a month ago are pouring like termites out of the woodwork to curry favor now.
It's fucking ridiculous. They're leeches, and they are everywhere.
I don't know how Callan put up with this shit for as long as he did. Or why, for that matter. He could have told everyone years ago that he had no interest in running Blake Industries and been done with the whole farce, but he said nothing. To protect me? Likely.
My cousin always has been an overprotective son of a bitch. I'm grateful as hell to him for it. The last three weeks have been brutal. I may join him at his hideaway in the fucking mountains if this shit continues much longer.
Piper can go with me. No one can interrupt us if they can't fucking find us.
I spot her behind the desk as soon as I push my way into the opulent lobby. My heart stops for a moment, all the blood in my body rushing straight to my cock. She's even more beautiful than I remember. Her long, dark hair is piled up on her head in a demure bun, her seafoam green eyes fixated on the computer in front of her. I eat her up like a dying man, unable to look away.