Page 14 of The Billionaire's Big Bold Wonder (The Billionaires Club)
Chapter Four
"You aren't Piper," I growl at the woman behind the courtesy desk.
"Nope," she says, giving me a smirk. Her hazel eyes run over me, her expression cool. "And I'm not nearly as patient as she is when guests harass me. Can I help you, Mr. Blake?"
"Where is Piper?"
"Not here," she says.
"Someone's harassing her?"
"Yeah, you." She narrows her eyes on me. "Is there a reason you're bothering her? Because she may be too polite to throw your rich ass out of here, but I've already turned in my notice, so I don't care if they fire me for doing it."
I stare at her for a minute, impressed. I can't remember the last time anyone other than Piper or Jillian gave me shit. This girl—Gwen, according to her nametag—doesn't even miss a beat. She's got spirit. And she has my girl's back. I appreciate the hell out of that.
"I'm in love with her," I say, shrugging. "She loves me too. She's just too mad to admit it right now. Sooner or later, she'll forgive me for fucking it all up."
"Huh," she says, making a face that says she's impressed. "At least you're smart enough to admit you screwed up."
"We can be taught."
She snorts at that.
"Where is she?"
"She's out sick today."
"Fuck," I growl, my stomach dropping. Is that why she looked so pale yesterday? She's sick? Why didn't she say anything? Is she all right? A thousand worries run through my head in an endless parade. My girl is sick, and I'm not there to take care of her. Is anyone there to take care of her? "Does she live alone?"
"You've lost your mind if you think I'm telling you that," Gwen says, looking at me like I have, indeed, lost my damn mind for even asking.
"Jesus Christ," I mutter, rolling my eyes. "I'm not trying to do anything nefarious. I already have her address. I'm just wondering if she has anyone to take care of her or if she's sick and alone right now."
Gwen hesitates.
I huff a curse and pull out the note Toby delivered to me this morning with her address on it. I plop it down on the desk in front of Gwen. "See? She wrote it out herself," I say. "We had plans for dinner tonight."
Gwen examines the paper for a long moment.
"I'm going over there either way," I say. "I'd just like to know if I should pick up supplies on the way or if she has someone there who would have already done it for her."
"She lives alone," Gwen begrudgingly says.
"Thank you," I sigh.
"Don't make me regret this!" Gwen yells behind me as I turn on my heel and sprint toward the door.
Piper lives in a small, rundown complex near the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga campus. It's not nearly good enough for her, but I'm not stupid enough to say that either. My girl is hardworking, proud, and independent. I'm guessing she'd be offended if she knew I don't like this place. But I don't. There are no security gates or guard shacks, no one to ensure she's safe here. That's a problem for me.
I don't want her to worry about someone breaking in or about being here alone or any of that bullshit. I want her happy and safe at all times. Not knowing where she was for the last two months was a fucking nightmare. I drove myself insane worrying about whether she was safe, or if she was in some bar with some bastard hitting on her, trying to slip something into a drink while she studied. The possibilities drove me mad.
If I thought she'd let me, I'd pack her up and move her in with me here and now. Unfortunately for me, I don't think it's going to be that easy. She's not just mad, she's rattled, afraid to trust. Waking up alone in that bed and hearing I checked out broke her heart. Hearing her say that yesterday fucking killed me. I've never been afraid of much. But I'm real fucking worried I'm not going to be able to fix this. There's a very real possibility that I lost her before I ever had a chance to truly make her mine.
No. I refuse to believe that. Our story doesn't end after one perfect night together. I won't let it. Piper is meant to be mine. I'm not backing off and I'm not giving up until she sees it too. If I have to move into her hotel until she knows I'm not going anywhere, that's what I'll do. I've never wanted much in life, but I want this. I want her.
I pull into a parking spot outside of her building and kill the engine to the rental SUV. Toby was disappointed when I sent him back to Nashville this morning, but I didn't think running around in a limo would win me any points here. Whoever gave the kid his license should be fired twice. Once for having the audacity. The second time on principle. He belongs behind the wheel of a race car, not a fucking limo.
I reach into the passenger seat to grab shopping bags and Piper's gift and then climb out, nervous as hell. Can't remember the last time I felt like this. Okay, that's a lie. I feel like a teenager on a first date every fucking time I'm anywhere near her. It's just what she does to me. I can't get enough of it. Most women annoy the fuck out of me. I can't wait to be anywhere except in their general vicinity. They don't make my dick stand at attention. They certainly don't make my heart race or my palms sweat. I don't want to know every thought that crosses their minds.
I do with Piper. I watched her for hours in the bar that first night, completely fascinated by her. I couldn't have taken my eyes off her to save my life. Every shift of emotion across her face had me rooted in place. When she was in my bed, every fucking time she moved, I was hard again, desperate to feel her coming apart around me. Her throaty cries and rapturous expression drove me wild.
I gorged myself on her, and it still wasn't enough. She's so fucking deep under my skin, she's permeated my psyche at this point, become a living, breathing piece of me. I barely know her, and yet I know everything about her. I know what she wants and what she needs. I know what makes her scream and what makes her beg. I know exactly how to unravel her.