Page 33 of Stolen Beauty (Jackson Family 1)
Jaxon sat beside me at the dinner table, but when Mrs. Judy asked him if he wanted something to eat, he only simply shook his head at her. I frowned over at him but kept my mouth shut. He was a very dark and broody kind of man, and it honestly put me on edge. It was hard to do anything with him around.
Sighing, I pulled out my phone and selected James’s contact, sending him a text.
How much longer? Your bodyguard is putting me on edge. He’s very silent and brooding. -Emmaline
I smiled at Mrs. Judy as she set my dinner in front of me with a cup of cranberry juice and two bottles of water. “Strict instructions from James,” she explained when I gave the cup of cranberry juice a funny look. “He said you didn’t have any this morning.”
I sighed but nodded my head. “Thank you, Mrs. Judy.”
She smiled at me before she walked off. My phone vibrated in my hand, and I opened it up to see a text from James.
Few more hours, little one. And he’s not there to be your best friend. He’s there to keep you safe. Remember that. -James.
I sighed and locked my phone, deciding to reply later so I could eat my dinner. I was actually pretty hungry, and the pot roast, mashed potatoes, and green beans smelled really damn good at that moment.
My stomach rumbled in agreement as I picked up my fork. I shoveled a bite of food into my mouth, but the taste instantly made my stomach churn. Gagging, I quickly jumped up from the table and rushed towards the nearest bathroom. Jaxon quickly closed the door, and I imagined he stood outside of it as I emptied my stomach, my appetite now completely gone.
I moaned in discomfort as my stomach lurched again. “Move!” I heard James roar. The door burst open a moment later, but I didn’t have a chance to look up at him before I was getting sick again. His arms came around me, his body curling over mine as he whispered soft, soothing words into my ear.
When I was finally finished emptying my stomach, I reached forward and flushed the toilet, drawing in deep, shaky breaths afterward. James silently held me in his arms, giving me a moment to recollect myself.
“I thought you wouldn’t be done for a few more hours,” I finally managed to get out. But I was fucking ecstatic that he was there because I felt like shit.
He sighed. “Little one, I told you that you are my first priority. Jaxon texted me that you were getting sick. I came immediately.”
I looked at his arms that were wrapped around my waist, noting the blood stains on his black shirt. I slowly looked up at his handsome face, running my eyes over his features. “Sorry,” he apologized, looking truly apologetic, “I didn’t have time to change,” he explained.
I didn’t say anything in response. I just leaned my head on his chest, my eyes closing. “Can you take me to our room?” I asked him quietly. “I’m afraid if I try to walk, I’m going to throw up again.”
Without a word, James slid his arms beneath me and lifted me against his chest before he stood from the floor. He kicked the door with his foot. Jaxon obediently opened it, and he silently followed us as James carried me up the stairs to our room. “Brush your teeth and get a bath, little one,” James softly ordered as he carried me into our room. “When I finish what I’m doing, I’ll bring some soup and crackers to our room, and I’ll have Dr. William take a look at you then, okay?”
“Okay,” I answered.
James leaned down and pressed his lips to my cheek. He then set my phone on the step that led into the tub. “I expect an answer from you if I text or call you,” he told me. “The only excuse you’ll have is if you’re asleep,” he warned me.
“I’ll respond if I’m awake,” I promised.
He brushed his lips to my forehead before he walked to the exit of the bathroom, casting me one last, worried glance over his shoulder before he walked out of the bathroom altogether, shutting the door behind him. With a small sigh, I brushed my teeth and then stripped out of my clothes, stepping into the tub. Once the tub was filled, I turned the water off and relaxed back against the side of the tub, curling up on my side, a yawn falling from my lips.
My eyes shut of their own accord, and I fell into a deep sleep.
A scream tore from my lips, ripping me from my sleep. I jerked up into a more upright position, my heart slamming against my ribcage. My entire body was trembling, and my hair was sticking to my face from sweat.
Jaxon burst into the bathroom as I quickly covered my body using my arms, drawing my knees up to my chest. My bottom lip trembled as I squeezed my eyes shut, sucking in sharp breaths of air. I knew I was having an anxiety attack, but I didn’t know how to stop it.
I gasped for air, trying to find my happy place, but all I could picture was my hand plunging Alfonso’s knife into his neck, his blood coating my hands and my arms, dripping onto my face and chest.
“What the fuck is going on?” James roared as he stormed into the bathroom. “Fuck,” he swore. “Jaxon, leave us.”
A moment later, James’s arms came around me, lifting me from the tub. He cradled my soaked body to his chest as he sat on the side of the tub, snatching my towel down from its rack, somehow managing to wrap me up in it.
“I need you to breathe, little one,” James coaxed. “You’re safe,” he gently reminded me.
My mind sank into a bottomless pit of memories. An anguished sound ripped from my throat as I reached up to clutch at my head, sobs ripping from my chest as hot tears slid down my cheeks.
“Mrs. Banner, I don’t want to go in there!” I yelled as I fought against her tight grip. Bad girls always went into this room, and they never came back out again. “Mrs. Banner, please!” I cried. “I didn’t mean to hit you with the ball!”
“Shut up, little girl!” Mrs. Banner screeched down at me. I flinched back from her, a sob ripping from my throat. “You have caused nothing but trouble since the moment you stepped foot inside of this house, and I’m fucking sick of it! You’ll go in here, and you’ll take this punishment. I don’t give a fuck how much you cry and beg because I don’t fucking like you!”
She threw me inside of the dark room, slamming the door shut behind her. I sobbed as I jumped up and banged on the door. “Let me out!” I screamed. “Please let me out, Mrs. Banner! I’m so sorry!”
Someone wrapped my brown hair around their hand and yanked me backward, sending me sprawling across the floor. I yelped in pain as my back roughly connected with the cement beneath me. I couldn’t see anything in the darkness, and I was terrified.
“Time to show you what happens to bad little girls,” a male voice sneered.
“No!” I yelled. “Let me go!”
He shoved something in my mouth and wrapped it around my head, cutting off my speech. I fought and kicked, but the man easily overpowered me. “I love it when you fight, little girl. Go ahead. Fight. I’ll just enjoy this even more,” he sneered down at me.