Page 8 of Deceptive (Diamondback MC Second Generation 5)
“You tryin’to run away from me again?” Pax asks. I’m standing off to the side, not that I realized it, lost in my own tirade, annoyed that the man I love is basically putting his head on a chopping block.
“No, not really. You have to see how crazy this is. At least we could do this together with both of my parents. Mom can contain Dad’s craziness.” He prowls towards me, the chain on his jeans clanking as he does. Other than that, it’s complete silence. How he’s able to do that I have no idea; all I know is that half the time, it scares the shit out of me and has me jumping five feet high.
“Babe, you know that’s not how this works. Love that you want to protect me, more than you’ll ever realize, but this is somethin’ a man has to do.” I don’t know when it happened. Paxton backed us up until my back was against the wall, his forearms beside my head and his body plastered against mine.
“Fine, but don’t expect me to nurse you back to health, and if you get shot, so help me God, I’ll use the gun my father taught me to use, repaying him the favor of hurting my Ol’ Man.” There’s a fire burning inside me. I clearly get my temper from dear old dad.
“Fuck, you’re crazy. Probably a good thing, though. Remind me to hide your gun if we ever get in an argument, okay?” I lick my lips. As if he doesn’t know where it is. I have two, really. One I keep in my purse, which sucks because at the courthouse, it has to stay in my car, defeating the purpose of having protection on me. And the other is attached to my nightstand.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Paxton’s eyes watch my tongue trace my upper lip, ready to put this discussion to rest and move on to something a lot better.
“I’ll show you the fun in a minute. Need you to know, Collins, this is it, love you, Collins, loved you before, love you now. You walk into that room, though, it’s a reflection of not only me but your dad as well. It’s gonna suck, and you can bitch all you want that you won’t be takin’ care of me, but you and I both know the truth. I’ll call you when the shit storm is over, though with the way all the cacklin’ hens in the club talk, you’ll know the minute it’s over.” I tip my head up, looking into his eyes, seeing that truthfulness in everything he says, which I already knew. And as fun as it would be to walk into their meeting guns a blazing, it wouldn’t solve anything, potentially only making it worse.
“Fine, and I love you, too, by the way. I’m still not going to jump for joy. And if my father makes one rude-ass remark to me after he’s already hurt you, well, let’s just say family dinners will be a thing of the past. It won’t be just Blaine who walks away then.” That little jerk. I love him, too, but he’s a pain in my ass. He’s supposed to be here, my partner in crime, but nope, Blaine is Blaine, living life the way he wants to.
“Already knew you loved me. Doesn’t take a blind man to see it. We get through tomorrow, it’ll be smooth sailin’. You get used to what the doc prescribed, it’ll be even better for you, not me. Like you just the way you are, even when a butterfly catches your attention mid-sentence and you forget the story you were tellin’ me, alright? And this shit about you not nursin’ me back to life, I’ll be fine, even if they break a leg or an arm. That doesn’t stop my mouth from working or keep you from sittin’ on my face, babe.” I can feel my body come to life with his last sentence. Of course, he’s not wrong about me taking care of him either because I’ll still do that even though I said I wouldn’t.
“Paxton.” He pushes in closer, notching his pelvis along mine. One of his hands moves from where it’s perched on the wall to gripping my outer thigh, lifting it to open me further.
“Fuck, yeah. You want my cock, Collins?” he asks. I want to make a smart-ass remark but can’t because my eyes move to where he is working on the buttons of his jeans, giving me a glimpse of his hardness along the way.
“Please.” My body is rippling with need. I hike my leg up further. The shirt I’m wearing gives him a glimpse that I forgot an important part to my clothing; usually, I’d wear something beneath my shirt if he wasn’t around. Tonight, I couldn’t be bothered. My fingers shift the fabric further away when I see Paxton stumble in getting his cock out. It’s a heady experience.
“Son of a bitch. Look at you, fuckin’ glistenin’ for me. Hearin’ me tell you I love you do somethin’ for you, or is it the fact that we’re tellin’ our family?” This is Ice, dirty-talking with a dose of sweetness in the mix.
“Both.” The word barely leaves my lips when he impales me in one hard thrust, my hands moving to his sides, pulling him closer with every thrust while his hand is still holding my thigh, almost using it as a brace to work my body along with his.
“Fuck, yeah, babe.” His lips slanting over mine, Paxton is not just telling me but showing me that it’s us, always. I had no idea this was what I needed. My man did, though, reaffirming everything between us.