Page 22 of Deceptive (Diamondback MC Second Generation 5)
“Twice in one week.Who would have thought?” I tell Sedona as she walks into the bar area of the clubhouse. I’ve been sitting on a barstool attempting to nurse the one beer I’m allowing myself while playing pool with the other girls. Gigi, Shila, and Jolie are a hoot once they start drinking, mostly because they can’t hold their liquor.
“Yeah, not that I’m not thrilled to have a night off, but if we go on lockdown, I’m going to be fucked. Three more months, and then I’m home free. I really can’t wait. No more twenty-hour work days. I’ll finally have my own place and not live with my parents.” I listen as Sedona gets this off her chest, clearly needing it since we barely get to hang out anymore. “God, it sounds like I’m complaining. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents, am totally thankful that they’ve let me live scott free at home while I chase my dreams, paying for all the extras since it’s not like I have time to work, but it’s also slowly killing my already non-existent sex life.” She says that last sentence quietly.
“Now you know why I moved out as fast as I could. I remember those days. Toys were even hard to have for fear of them walking in on you or, you know, when your mom gets a random bug up her butt to clean your room. God, I’ll never live that down. Isn’t it like some nationally known thing not to go through a woman’s nightstand?” Henley and all of us girls did a huge group call when she first found out about her cancer. Her mom, our Aunt Sadie, and the family were packing her up from the small studio apartment she once had in New York only for Henley to yell at her mom as she went for her nightstand.
“One would think. Anyways, I know you have your apartment up for sublease, and I thought about taking it over. The only thing is, it’s not close enough to the hospital.” She takes a sip of her beer. I do the same, noticing it’s almost empty. Clearly, it went down entirely too smoothly, and I really want another one.
“I kind of assumed that. I’m not worried about it either. The lease has a whopping three months left; I can buy myself out of it. The manager is doing me a favor, and I brought it up just in case.” I don’t want Sedona to feel guilty for not taking on something that isn’t hers anyways.
“Yeah, I figured you wouldn’t mind but felt compelled to tell you anyways. There’s a cute house within ten minutes of walking distance and five in a car. I’m probably going to put an offer on it this weekend.” Since she’s been a resident, Sedona is getting paid. Like all of us kids we’ve been smart with our money. It was ingrained in us to live humbly. Well, it worked with all of us, minus Blaine. I’ve heard the phone calls of our parents telling him they weren’t sending him money and that if he wants to live his life the way he’s living it, that he needs to get a job.
“That’s awesome. You need help with anything? I have lots of shit I’m not keeping; it’s all in the apartment. I was going to try and keep it furnished, but after today, I’m over it all.” My furniture isn’t anything to brag about; it helped get the job done, but besides the few things that mean anything to me, it’s just stuff.
“Oh, that would be great. I’m going to need a ton, and if I recall, you had some cute furniture that would work.” That will make everyone’s life easier. Most of it is second hand, thrifted, or furniture that was once dark in color only for me to work my magic with paint.
“You can have it all. Let me know when you want to take a look. It’s just sitting there.” I’m swirling my now empty beer bottle around at the table. Aunt Shila and my mom are currently attempting to play pool, neither of them realizing they’re royally sucking at it. I’m pretty sure neither has even sunk a ball yet, and if they keep scratching, the felt will have to be replaced. These men need to hurry up, or they’ll be holding hair back as they pray to the porcelain throne.
“Sounds good. I’m empty. You want another one?”
“I shouldn’t.” I think on it some more, and when Sedona starts walking away, I tell her, “Fuck it. Go ahead and grab me one, please.” She nods her head. I sit back on my barstool, thinking about the events of the day, how things could have gone so differently in the heat of the moment. I could have panicked, let that woman’s crazy take hold. How Pax was there before anyone else, my dad included, or that I didn’t even call Dad but called my man. Had that been a year or so ago, I’d have never thought to call anyone besides the man who raised me. It’s funny how things can change. It’s also crazy to think the cops didn’t come when I expected them to. Not sure if that was the club’s doing somehow, or if they’re just that slow. I stretch my arms over my head, a yawn coming out of nowhere, and when my eyes droop, I fold my arms so they’re crossing one another and place them on top of the small bar table, so I can rest my head and close my eyes. It seems all of my energy has suddenly been drained. I’m really hoping it’s not from mixing the beer with my pill that I took more than twelve hours ago and more of the issues that happened earlier today.
“Babe, wake up.” I swear that’s Pax’s voice in my ear, but I’m pretty sure it’s not real.
“Hmm,” I attempt to respond even if it is a daydream.
“Alright, Collins, let’s get you to bed, babe.” My body leaves the barstool. Paxton’s arms are surrounding me, one under my knees, the other beneath my shoulders, and I’m breathing him in.
“Pax.” My sleep-addled mind wakes up.
“Adrenaline is crashin’. Shit took longer than it was supposed to,” he murmurs in my ear.
“S’okay. I need you, Paxton.” My lips touch his throat, kissing it before licking it.
“Fuck, yeah.” Pax seems to move faster, not that I really know. My face is tucked into him, eyes closed. The only thing I can think about is the desire that’s taking over my body. There’s an urgency so deep inside of me that needs him, inside me, his body hovering above mine as I feel him surrounding me.