Page 18 of Deceptive (Diamondback MC Second Generation 5)
“Stopped by her place.Was able to jimmy the back door. Place is empty. No personal belongings. Car’s gone, fridge is full of food still, power’s still on. She’s gone, but there’s no force of entry and no signs of foul play,” I tell the guys as we sit around the table during Church. Hawk and Rocket didn’t stick around too long. The night after helping us, we had a meeting, they got some shuteye, the Ol’ Ladies made a feast, and the following day, both were ready to get back home. Can’t say that I blame them.
“Yeah, I’d say she’s in the wind and has somethin’ to do with Winslow. Not sure if Vungle was the one who stabbed him. Of course, if we left any evidence, then we’d be the ones to be behind bars. Crush has already done that. I wasn’t lookin’ for it to happen again,” Rage replies after I drop the news. We all kind of figured she’d have a hand in what was going on behind the scenes, but shit is piling up, and I’d bet my bike this bitch has a mean streak a mile wide.
“Fuckin’ cunt.” Crush lights a cigarette, a rarity these days. The last couple of days, though, he’s been smoking like a busted chainsaw, him and Shadow both. We’re all on edge. We tossed around the idea about putting the club on lockdown but thought better of it. There’ve been no visible threats. Winslow is gone. It’s just Vungle we can’t get a bead off if she’s going to attack or not.
“That she is, but for now, until we can figure out this whole situation, keep your eyes peeled and ears open. Massimo should be callin’ today to let us know what they found out from Winslow’s women.” We figure the gist of it is, he’d kidnap them off the streets; didn’t matter the age, size, coloring, anyone he could get in his nasty-ass paws would do. None of us want to say the words that actually surround us—sex trafficking women and children. We were all disgusted, wanting to go back in there and bring Winslow back from the dead just to kill him all over again. Potentially cutting off his cock and making him eat it was an idea of my own. “I’ll keep everyone posted. Church is over. Ice, stay back a minute, yeah?”
“No problem.” I hear the snickering coming from Crush and Shadow. Bunch of fuckin’ dicks, acting like I’m in trouble with the principal at school.
“Get your dumbasses outta here, actin’ like you ain’t got a brain between those ears. Like father, like son.” I chuckle. He’s not wrong. It’s rare to see those two knuckleheads let loose, always the silent type, until they catch you unaware.
“You and Collins, it’s not my place to ask about the logistics, but I need to know. The meds she’s takin’, is she okay?” There’s worry in his tone, one that I can understand because those first two days, I made sure she was eating, texting her on her lunch break, packing her a protein bar and a couple of snacks.
“Yeah, it’s helpin’. She still hates her job. Gave her the opportunity to quit and focus on school. That wasn’t flyin’. You already know Collins is with me at my place, and she’s lettin’ the apartment manager find someone to take over her lease. Other than the decrease in appetite, things seem to be goin’ well.” I tell him the truth, not that he doesn’t already know about her living with me. Collins told them both after I told Rage the truth about us.
“Good, we gave her the opportunity as well. It’s not like there isn’t enough money to pay her bills for a few more months, or if Collins really felt like she needed to pull her weight, this fuckin’ club could use some cleanin’. Speakin’ of, next Church, we’re talkin’ about Brody. Those other two fuckers can hit the road. Surely, we can find a different bunch of idiots who actually want to patch in. If we run into trouble, we can’t be callin’ our Texas chapter all the time.” I nod, agreeing with that statement.
“Might have a few guys who are lookin’ for a place to land. They’d be a benefit and less of a hindrance.” I’ve been meaning to bring it up to Rage and Shadow. This shit swirling around hasn’t given me ample opportunity.
“Sounds good. Work on Collins quittin’ that fuckin’ job. Hate seein’ my baby girl miserable, which in turn makes Jolie upset, and Blaine does that enough in this family. Fuckin’ kids. Do yourself a favor, don’t have them.” He stands up from his chair, ready to be done.
“Pretty sure if Collins says she wants kids, we’ll have them, but maybe I’ll convince her to stop at one.”
“Might be a good idea. Fuck, if any grandkid of mine is like you or her, we’ll be fine. I love Blaine, but that spoiled little shit, I’d give anythin’ to throttle his fuckin’ throat.” Collins hasn’t gone into detail about what’s going on with him, but judging by Rage’s statement, I’d say it’s nothing good.
“I’ll take that as a compliment. We good here? I’m thinkin’ I’ll go scout around Vungle’s office to see if I can’t figure her out,” I ask.
“Alright. Keep me posted and don’t get caught.” We end our conversation. I text Collins to let her know I’ll be home when she gets off work, knowing she won’t respond right away, then I head out to hunt for the cunt that could potentially hurt more lives.