Page 10 of Deceptive (Diamondback MC Second Generation 5)
“Too fuckin’old for this,” he grumbles. His face is getting redder by the minute, veins popping out of his forehead, and I know he’s coming for me. Hell, if roles were reversed, I’m not sure how I’d handle this situation. I stand up knowing damn well he’ll be coming after me; standing up would be better than sitting down. At least I can brace myself for the blows that are coming my way. I guess the one blessing is that I’ve only got Rage, Shadow, and Crush. That doesn’t mean it’ll be one hit a piece, though.
“Better you than me, brother.” Shadow claps Rage’s back. “Brother, you ready for this?” I’m asked. I nod. He doesn’t keep me waiting. An uppercut to the chin has me rocking, head slamming backward, back teeth grinding, busting my cheek judging by the fact I’m tasting blood, at least that’s what I figure.
“Jesus, it’s like déjà fuckin’ vu. Only the last time this happened, it was decades ago. Doc had to deal with Cannon. Monroe about took her father’s head off when she found out. I am not looking forward to Collins bein’ pissed at me. That means you’re gettin’ it twice. One from me and one from Jolie. Don’t even wanna know how long this shit has been goin’ on behind my back, but if you’re the reason she’s takin’ care of herself, then I’ll overlook you and her sneakin’ around, betrayin’ your family. After I beat your ass.” I should have been prepared. I’m not, though. My jaw is jacked, which has me doubling over, coughing up blood, feeling a few teeth wiggling that weren’t before. That’s gonna suck. If one is knocked out, hopefully it’s not a front tooth. Of course, while I’m bent over, blood pouring from my mouth, that’s when Rage brings his knee, along with an elbow, to my back.
“Fuck,” I groan. Guess I more than deserved that. Still fuckin’ sucks. Collins is going to be pissed tonight.
“Sorry, brother, but if I puss out, you know I’ll be in the same boat you’re in now.” I straighten up for Crush’s blow, staggering in doing so.
“Brother, wouldn’t expect anything less.” At least this time, he doesn’t go after my face, hitting my square in the gut, knocking the wind out of me. I don’t keep myself up. There’s no worse feeling than not being able to hold yourself up, falling flat on your ass. It’s a shit situation, but fuck, Rage and Shadow are a solid twenty plus years older than me and can still jack someone up like they’re in their twenties.
“I’ll get your woman for you. If I know her, she’s with Gigi and Sedona,” Crush says.
“Appreciate it. I’m goin’ to my room, poppin’ a couple of pills. Once I start to feel like a human again, I’ll get a solid plan together, figure out what we’ll need ammo wise.” I’m able to take a deep breath, so it seems my ribs aren’t broken, which is a plus.
“Ice, hold up!” Rage calls out as I turn my back. Figuring he’s coming back at me for more, I hold myself rock steady. No way am I falling down again today. I’m not looking to be taken as a weakling.
“What’s up?” It’s then I see it, written on his face, the lines along his face, the tiredness set around his eyes. The man has got the weight of the world on his shoulders, and I just gave him even more.
“Welcome to the family. Know you’re a brother, so you are in a sense already, but this is somethin’ different. That bein’ said, you fuck over my little girl or break her heart, I’ll break your skull.” He holds his hand out. I take it in mine, shaking it. Rage squeezes the shit out of it.
“Thanks. Got no intention of that. We’ve got plans, rock fuckin’ solid. Get her through this next bit, and it’ll be even better,” I reply.
“Later, brother.” Shadow waves as he walks out the room.
“Later, man.” Usually, I’d head to the shop, but there is no way I’ll be able to bend down or hover over a car, and since we make our own hours as long as the job gets done, no one bitches.
“Alright, Church is over. I’m goin’ home. Crush can get to work. I’m assumin’ Collins is gonna give me a piece of her mind. Question,” Rage asks.
“Might have an answer for you,” I respond, wondering what he needs from me.
“Where’s Collins’ gun currently at?” The room fills with laughter, from myself, Rage, and Crush. With the door open, I’m sure Shadow heard the question, too.
“Pretty sure you know the answer to that, so I’m guessin’ it’s in her bag. Which I’d take a guess is with Collins as she sits inside your house.”
“Son of a bitch,” he replies.
“Yeah, she tried to tell me she was comin’ with me to this meeting. I had to bargain, making her promise not to come in here wavin’ her gun around.” I shrug my shoulders.
“Yep, you’ve got your hands full, brother,” Crush responds, taking his leave.
“Alright, I guess it’s time for me to deal with my little mini tyrant.” He’s not wrong. Collins may look a lot like her mother, but she’s got Rage’s temper through and through.
“Yeah, you have fun with that.” The pain is starting to kick my butt, and it’s about time my ass gets some medicine.
“I hear you. Later, Ice. Appreciate you not bein’ a bitch about this.” I grunt but don’t respond. Rage isn’t expecting one, and I’m not sure I have one. Being a bitch, that shit would have been cured with my time serving as a Marine, and for damn sure as a club member, if nothing else.