Page 68 of Risky Business
Every step of the way, I’m evaluating the visuals for social media opportunities. What will make a good video or photo? How will guests interact with the environment? Can anything be improved?
Inside, I see Spencer and Kyleigh talking with Carson and head that way. They’re wearing matching neon shirts too, an effort to make staff stand out from the crowd.
“Good morning,” I greet them. “How’s everything going?”
Three pairs of eyes meet mine. Carson and Spencer seem pretty calm, but Kyleigh looks on the verge of spontaneously combusting. She doesn’t say anything, but the way her body is vibrating is answer enough. Actually, on second glance, Spencer could probably use a cup of coffee to perk up. She’s eerily serene, especially in contrast to Kyleigh.
“Good,” Spencer says, not giving anything away. She continues talking to Carson, and I pick up on where they are in their checklist. “Artists are all being picked up at the hotel now. They’ll be shuttled over for sound check and then taken back. I have someone on hand at the hotel to cater to them just in case anyone pulls a Mariah.” She gives Kyleigh a subtle head tilt and then mouths, “Jazmyn.”
I’m not surprised, but I hope our headliner can keep it together long enough to perform the way we need her to. “If you have any issues come up, I can deal with her,” I offer, and Spencer nods gratefully.
“What? Who?” Kyleigh says, looking from me to Spencer in confusion.
Spencer pats Kyleigh’s hands in a motherly move. “It’s fine. Let’s continue down the list.”
We get to work, confirming that bubble machines, fog machines, laser light shows, and glitter cannons are prepared. We check in with the engineers who are prepping for the sound check and promise to follow up with Spencer about any concerns. The vendors have everything they need to sell food, drinks, and merchandise. Freddy Freebird costumed employees are stationed around the park, each in Freedom Fest special gear for the day. There’s special signage on displays throughout the area, all with #AmericanaLand and #FreedomFest hashtags to encourage people to tag their selfies and group photos.
By the end of Spencer and Kyleigh’s run-through, it’s clear that Freedom Fest is going to be a planned-to-the-smallest-detail success. It has to be.
“Wow, I’m truly impressed and grateful for all your hard work,” Carson tells Spencer and Kyleigh sincerely. “I can tell how much ownership you put into making this event happen.”
Kyleigh beams like a puppy getting its first head pats as a reward for sitting on command. “You’re welcome, sir.”
Spencer is a harder sell. She knows what’s up and what this festival means. “I appreciate the opportunity to show what I can do and how much I can handle. I look forward to this becoming a regular thing, whether with a repeat of this festival or other events. Also, if you can finagle it, Kyleigh here needs to be brought on full-time. She’s a great asset."
Damn. I think I love Spencer. She’s got no qualms with saying exactly what she thinks and what she wants, and she backs it up with solid work. Plus, she’s willing to mentor others, a sign that she’s got a good heart. Carson would do well to keep her on his team, right at his side. Good leaders surround themselves with other good people, and together, they all grow. Plus, I don’t think Spencer would put up with any shit from Carson. He needs that too.
Carson grins at her. "Heard. Noted." To Kyleigh, he says, “Done.”
Kyleigh squeals, jumping up and down exuberantly. One sideways glance from Spencer, though, and she reigns herself in. Her voice still high-pitched, she says, “Thank you, Mr. Steen. Thank you, Spencer.”
“Call me Carson,” he corrects her. “Everyone on the team calls me Carson.”
Her squeak of agreement is kind of adorable, actually, and I can understand how thrilled she is to get the job of her dreams with a mentor she respects.
“Okay, where do you need us?” I ask Spencer, letting her leadership shine.
She points over to the right, off toward some of the rides. “Check in with Xavier and Padma. They’re going to be with the photographer, getting opening shots and spamming our pages to build excitement. Should be . . .” She looks at her watch, noting that it’s almost ten, and says, “In the Thirteen Colonies area.”
“On it.”
Spencer hands me a small map and a radio. “Keep it in your pocket so you can find your way around without stopping at the park directories.” To Carson, she asks, “Where’s your sister? I have something I need to talk to her about.”
“Toni?” he echoes, as if he has another sister she’d be talking about.
I laugh and excuse myself, sending Carson a sexy wink as I head off on my mission.
Holy Fucking Firecrackers and Hot Dogs on the Fourth of July!