Page 76 of Stolen by a Sinner (Sinners 3)
“Love you too, Ödülüm.”
My teeth worry on my bottom lip, then I ask, “Are you attacking tonight?”
“As soon as we’re ready.”
Worry for him strangles my heart. “Please don’t get hurt.”
“I’ll do my best.” I hear him take a deep breath. “If something goes wrong and I can’t get back to you, I need you to call Liam Byrne. I’ll send you his phone number. He’s a friend who will be able to help you.”
“I want you to come back to me,” I argue, unwilling to settle for anything less.
“Just promise me you’ll call Liam if you don’t hear from me in twenty-four hours.”
“Gabriel.” My chin starts to tremble, and for the first time, I deny him something. “No. You will come back.”
“Lara,” his voice is filled with warning.
“No,” I say with determination. “If I don’t make this promise, it will guarantee your safety because there’s no way you’ll leave us here alone. As long as you know we’re not safe, you’ll keep fighting.”
“Jesus,” he mutters. “Only you can make me want to spank you and praise you at the same time.”
“You can spank me all you want once you’re home.”
“Now that's what I call incentive,” he chuckles, then he grows serious again. “Go to the closet and move my suits out of the way.”
I do as Gabriel instructs and find myself staring at a floor-to-ceiling vault door. “What’s the code?”
“Nine. Two. Nine. Eight.”
I key it in, and when the door opens, I peek inside. There are piles of money and weapons.
“Take the guns out. They’re all loaded. I’ve checked them myself. I want you to hide them all over the house where you can get to them should there be an attack. Keep one on you.”
“Can I ask Daniel to help me?”
“Yes.” He lets out a tired breath. “Stay safe, baby. I’ll see you soon.”
“Promise,” I demand.
He lets out a sexy chuckle. “I promise.”
When the call ends, I immediately go back to the chat and press play on the video. I turn down the volume so I can focus on my mother.
I stare at her blue eyes for the longest time, before taking in the fine lines and bruises on her face.
“Gabriel will save you,” I whisper to her. “I can’t wait to hug you.” Slumping to my knees, I turn up the volume so I can hear her say my name.
I press rewind and play again.
“Lara?” I hear Murat call.
“In the closet,” I call out as I scramble to my feet. I dart around the corner, and seeing Murat is alive and as well as can be expected, I throw my arms around him. “I’m so glad you’re okay!”
“That makes two of us,” he mutters.
Letting go of him, I point to the closet. “There are guns in there. Gabriel wants us to hide them all over the house in case of an attack.”
He nods and walks to the vault. “God, I love my boss,” he mutters with a grin as he takes a shotgun out. “Let’s get to work.”
For the next hour, Murat, Daniel, and I hide guns in potted plants, beneath chairs, in drawers, and just about anywhere we can find a spot.
When I pick a gun for myself, Daniel mutters, “A Heckler & Koch. Good choice.”
A smile curves around my mouth as I tuck it behind me in the waistband of my jeans, covering the weapon with my shirt.
I shut the vault door and make sure it locks, then ask, “What now?”
“It would be easier for me if everyone was together and not spread throughout the house,” Daniel says.
“The kitchen?”
He nods. “Thanks, Lara.”
I leave the room with the men, and finding Nisa and Babaanne still sitting at the table, I say, “I’m preparing dinner. Any requests?”
“I can’t eat,” Babaanne murmurs.
“You need to keep up your strength,” I argue as I start to take ingredients out for a Turkish pizza. “Nisa, can you please go get Babaanne’s knitting basket so she can knit a pair of baby booties?”
All eyes turn to me. “Oh no, I’m not pregnant. Not yet, anyway.”
“Allah Allah.” Nisa throws her hands in the air. “Don’t get our hopes up like that for nothing.”
A smile starts to curve around Babaanne’s lips, then she asks, “Soon?”
Nodding, I promise, “As soon as Gabriel agrees.”
She waves a hand, making a disgruntled sound in her throat. “Then I’ll die long before I have great-grandchildren.”
“I’ll ask him nicely.”
She chuckles, then Nisa says, “Just seduce him. The man will do anything for you.”
The tension lessens, and some color returns to Babaanne’s face, making me feel better.
Chapter 44
After greeting the men, Viktor pulls his laptop from a bag and makes himself at home at my desk.
“Is Liam coming?” Luca asks.
I shake my head. “I need him as a backup plan should something go wrong. He’s on standby to get my family out of Seattle if I die.”