Page 15 of Stolen by a Sinner (Sinners 3)
I glance around, taking in all the beauty. The garden is nothing short of a paradise.
Gosh, it’s breathtaking.
My eyes devour the colorful roses, the greenery, the huge pool, and the rocks where water happily splashes down into the pool.
With sweat beading on my forehead from moving so much, only a week after I’ve been shot, I step into the mansion.
It looks nothing like Tymon’s home.
I find myself being led through a living room. There is a gorgeous red tapestry against the main wall. Dark blue couches and an inviting fireplace make the space feel warm.
There are potted plants everywhere. All the walls are a sandstone color.
When we enter a grand foyer where a stunning chandelier sparkles in the sunlight shining in from the floor to ceiling windows, I notice a staircase. We turn right toward the west wing before I can take in anything else.
Down a hallway, Murat opens a door, then gestures for me to walk inside.
I glance at the large bed with peach bedding and curtains. There are closets lining the one wall and another door that leads to an en suite bathroom which I can see through the open doorway.
“This will be your bedroom. Stay here until I come to get you.”
My lips part and my eyes widen with shock.
Before I can ask Murat if he’s sure this is my room, he shuts the door behind him.
This isn’t the maids’ quarters.
I don’t want to get in trouble before I’ve even had the chance to show Gabriel I’m a good worker.
I stand dead still with the clothes in my arms, my heart pounding a mile a minute, my midsection aching.
What do I do?
I look around again, this time taking in the plush white carpet that looks soft enough to sleep on. There are nightstands on either side of the bed, two rectangular mirrors against the walls, with two lights hanging from the ceiling. It looks warm but modern. There’s also a small round table with two armchairs by the window and a TV mounted on the wall.
It's unlike any room I’ve ever lived in.
The door opens again, and I let out a breath of relief when Murat steps back inside. A frown forms on his forehead. “Why are you still standing there?”
Nervously, I glance around the room, then say, “I think you brought me to the wrong room. I don’t want to get in trouble.”
Murat stares at me for a while. “This will be your room for as long as you work here.”
Again my lips part with shock. “Really? Are you sure?”
Murat nods his head, and I don’t miss how the corner of his mouth lifts as if he’s struggling not to laugh at me. “Put down the clothes so I can take you to Nisa Hanim.”
I quickly set them down on the bed and nervously wipe my hands on my dress as I follow Murat out of the room. I’m taken to a five-star kitchen where Nisa is busy wiping down the marble countertops.
As soon as I can start working, I’ll probably feel better. I might still be weak, but I’ll just have to push through, so Gabriel won’t want to get rid of me.
Nisa crosses her arms and stares me up and down until I feel the need to wrap my arms around myself.
Pointing a finger at me, she says, “You’ll do everything I say.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She shakes her head. “You’ll call me Nisa Hanim.”
“Hanim is your last name?” I ask.
This time she scowls at me. “No. Hanim means Ms. You’ll call me Ms. Nisa the Turkish way.”
“Oh. Okay.” I glance around the clean kitchen, wondering if I should just get to work or whether I have to wait for her to tell me what to do.
It’s hard being in a new house. Working for Tymon, I at least had a routine. I knew where everything was and what was expected of me.
This is all strange and confusing. It feels like I’ve been dumped into the twilight zone.
Nisa’s features soften, then a tentative smile graces her lips. “Let me show you where everything is.”
Relief washes through me. “That would be great. Thank you.”
I follow Nisa from cupboard to cupboard, learning where everything goes. The laundry is done in a room that’s separate from the kitchen, and I can still smell the dryer sheets. Lilies and linen. The familiar scent helps ease my nerves.
I stay close to Nisa as she shows me the whole west wing of the mansion. There’s a formal sitting room, TV room, entertainment area, four bedrooms with en suite bathrooms, and a study.
All the bedrooms are decorated in light colors, except for Gabriel’s room. The dark gray tones fit his demeanor. It definitely looked like a man’s room, and honestly, I felt uncomfortable setting foot inside it.
When we head back to the kitchen, I ask, “Is there anything I can do now?”