Page 4 of Weekend of Sin (Forbidden Fantasies 55)
“Yeah, I guess it’s okay,” he says in a noncommittal tone. “It could be nicer, but I’ll survive.”
I roll my eyes behind his back because this place is great. It’s not super-huge, but it’s a good-sized cabin. The living area is decorated with heavy wooden furniture with red-cloth cushions. There’s a shaggy maroon rug in the center of the floor, plenty of pillows and blankets scattered about, and cheery plaid drapes. The wood and red theme is simple, but honestly, it goes well together and I like the laid-back vibe.
I drag our suitcases toward the corner of the living area and start unpacking immediately, starting with our shoes to place near the entrance. I’m expecting Vinnie to help out, but after a few seconds, I turn to look back at him and see him still looking around slowly. I’d like to think that he’s staring at the décor in amazement, speechless from how much he likes the place, but I can see from the small frown on his face that it’s probably the opposite.
“What is that?” he demands, his chin jutting out.
I follow his gaze and smile when I see what exactly caught his attention. There’s a big deer head mounted to the wall, and I nod.
“Addy told me that her dad, Kurt, really loves to hunt, so he must have caught that himself.”
Vinnie sniffs and clears his throat as he continues looking around, a small scowl on his face as he does. “It’s different from what I thought it’d be like,” he grumbles.
I let out a small sigh through my nose as my stomach drops. “Different how? Like in a bad way? You don’t like it?”
Vinnie shrugs.
“I was expecting something …I don’t know, a huge roaring fire, and a vaulted ceiling with wooden rafters. Big overstuffed couches, and not this furniture which is obviously worn. Plus, you know I’m not into taxidermy. That deer’s eyes freak me out.”
I gape at my boyfriend as he sighs and plops down onto the couch, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table. What the hell?
“Well, this is someone’s actual hunting cabin, and not a fancy hotel like the Ahwahnee out in Yosemite. This place wasn’t built by hedge fund guys or anything like that. In fact, we’re actually staying for free.”
Vinnie shrugs and I cringe as I see dirt falling from his boots onto the previously clean table.
“Yeah, I know,” he cuts me off. “By the way, do you mind getting me a cold beer, babe? I assume there’s some in the fridge.”
I stare at him for a few moments, feeling a strange mix of annoyance and pure disbelief bubbling up inside me. One of my biggest pet peeves is being cut off when I’m speaking, and Vinnie does it all the time. And only to say the most unimportant things at that. Can I get him a beer? God, it’s so annoying. Besides, doesn’t he see me trying to unpack? It’s not like he’s trying to help me get us settled in, so couldn’t he just grab his own beer instead of asking me to do it while I’m busy?
But instead of bitching at him about it, I take a deep breath and nod, hurriedly excusing myself from the living area. I try to calm myself down as I speed-walk to the kitchen, reminding myself that I’m here for a purpose this weekend: to get my ass cherry popped, and then sayonara. I’ll be saying goodbye to this pompous asshole, even if it makes things uncomfortable at work.
After all, Vinnie can be such a prick sometimes. It’s like he doesn’t care about me or my feelings even one iota. At first, I thought that he was just socially awkward or completely oblivious or something, but now I’m almost sure that he fully understands that the way he talks to me is unacceptable, but he just doesn’t give a damn.
Then again, Vinnie has a decent job and a steady career, so maybe I should just shut it. It’s not like there are lots of eligible men lining up to ask me out, so I have to be thankful for what I have. Plus, he’s not too bad looking, if you like the Italian mafioso look. His black hair tends to get greasy, but at least it’s thick without any traces of gray. He’s a little on the thin side too, but he says working out isn’t a possibility given his busy schedule.
Still, if I’ve learned anything from my relationship with Vinnie, it’s that maturity doesn’t necessarily come with age. My boyfriend’s already in his thirties, and yet he’s so fucking childish sometimes. Maybe I will break up with him after all this is over, I think once again. But that’s then, and this is now. I slap a smile on my face and turn back with an ice cold beer in hand.