Page 55 of Love Me (Love The Way Duet 3)
Ahandful of months can make quite the difference. Crossing my ankles as I sit on the sofa in my blue room, I’m feeling especially thankful for the lit gas fireplace with its blue flames. Outside, snow is just starting to fall.
I remember the first time these men came into this room and took hold of my life. It feels like a lifetime ago. Here we are in nearly the same positions, but everything has changed.
“There we are,” Kam states firmly, clicking the end of the pen and handing the signed paper to Cade who checks it over and then signs himself.
“Is that the last of them?” Z asks from my right, an arm around my shoulders possessively. I lean into him and rest my head on his shoulder. I could hardly sleep last night and I know the moment the papers are scanned and filed and everyone leaves this room, I’m going to sleep soundly.
“It’s the last of what he wanted to see, yes.”
“There won’t even be a hearing?” I question.
“Not in person,” Kam tells me. “The judge said that with everyone in agreement it’s as simple as dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s.”
I don’t dare smile, although one begs to appear as Z kisses my temple.
“I would say get a room, but we all know you two consider the entire house your room,” Cade mutters as he stacks the papers and taps them on the coffee table to organize them neatly.
His comment forces me to smirk and the other men chuckle lightly. I bury my hands in my oversized cream sweater and bring my knees up to my chest. All the while, leaning against Z.
“If you’re ever not okay, you know you can call me,” Damon says from where he stands to the right of the fireplace.
“Me too,” Cade says and I’m caught off guard. I look up at him, hoping there’s never a reason we would need The Firm. “He can be an ass sometimes. You can call me, I’ll kick his ass for you,” he jokes.
A laugh bubbles up but it’s muted. I appreciate the lightheartedness but it just hasn’t hit home yet.
“You’re tense, Ella. Loosen up, babe. You’re free today. Now you could tell me to get out and I’d actually have to listen.” Kam smiles a boyish grin. “Not that I’m going to listen, but you could do it.”
At that Zander laughs a deep, rough chuckle that shakes me gently.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I comment back.
“Let’s give these two a moment,” Kam suggests to the room.
Cade and Kam lead the men out to the kitchen and I watch them go. It won’t be the last time they’re here. As much as Zander is a part of my life, I’m a part of The Firm’s life. Even if Z has decided to take a leave of absence for an indefinite amount of time.
He and his brother decided it would be best for him to take time off for this transition. Mostly because I asked him to. I am his greedy selfish girl, after all.
The moment the room is quiet and the men’s conversation can barely be heard, Z turns me in his arms so I’m facing him. His black tee clings to his broad shoulders and his rough stubble is a bit more than a five o’clock shadow. His smile is easy and charming as if there’s nothing to worry about any longer.
“He said I need to marry you,” Z says far too calmly.
“What?” I can’t hide the shock in my voice. “Kam said that?”
He only nods as I stare at him wide eyed.
“When I ask you to marry me, it will be because I want you to be my wife,” he tells me with certainty as he slips down off the sofa.
My heart races as I stare into his hazel eyes flecked with gold. His necklace is still where it will always be. “You gave me a ring already,” I whisper, my fingers fiddling with the rose gold ring through the sweater.
He smirks, pulling a ring from his back pocket and says, “I can give you more than one, can’t I?”
My bottom lip drops at the sight of the oval diamond. It’s surrounded by small black diamonds all the way around. My hand trembles as I reach out to take it.
“You have to say you’ll marry me first,” Z says, staring back at me with a devilish grin.
The moment I kiss him, a hand on each side of his face, a champagne bottle pops and applause fills the room.
With tears pricking the back of my eyes, I look to my left and see them all standing in the doorway, watching with genuine happiness for the two of us.
“Let her say yes first,” Z manages to get out.
“Yes.” I’m quick to answer. “Yes a million times, yes.”