Page 3 of If the Shoe Fits
Chapter Two
The TV mumbled on in the background, the noises soothing as I worked on my latest paper. I often found myself working like this, at all hours of the night, but I needed to get a good grade, then I could get a decent job and manage to get away from this hellhole.
"The wedding of Queen Amara to Prince Albert is happening in just three days, and the country is getting ready to celebrate in style..."
I looked up as the words caught my attention. I really was intrigued by the Queen, she seemed different from any of our previous rulers. Though I supposed it didn't matter much. She was only the Queen in name and not in power so much. Which was probably a good thing given how some of our previous ones had turned out.
The reporter continued speaking, but I didn't pay any attention to him. I was too busy staring at the screen. The Queen looked beautiful, as usual. Her husband-to-be, just as handsome. But they weren't who I was looking at. Behind them both stood a man so alluring, I couldn't take my eyes off him. I couldn't even put my finger on what it was, but I could look at him all day. And then some more after that. I needed him. Even if I had no idea of how to get him.
I shook my head, trying to forget about the man. This was silly. I didn't even know the man's name and yet here I was just staring at him on a TV screen. Something must be seriously wrong with me, and I didn't even dare ask Enrique what he thought it was, though the temptation to text my best friend and ask was extreme.
The man came towards the screen and a reporter flagged him down.
"Are you looking forward to the wedding?" someone off-screen asked him.
"Very much so," he replied, a slight accent colouring his words.
Something deeper tightened within me. That was an accent I could listen to for days. An accent I almost longed to hear saying my name. Over and over and over...
"How are you enjoying your visit to England?"
"It's a wonderful visit, the Queen is a very gracious host and your country is beautiful."
A diplomat then. Visiting from a far-off land, though he looked European. I couldn't place the accent though. It wasn't strong enough for that. Actually, it almost sounded like Prince Albert's whenever he spoke. Maybe this man was a friend of his, that would explain it.
And if he was a friend...that meant he'd be going to the wedding.
I didn't waste another moment. I jumped up from my seat, pacing back and forth as I dialled Enrique's number. The ringing sounds seemed to last forever.
"Come on, pick up," I muttered.
"Hello?" He sounded sleepy and guilt welled up within me. I knew Enrique liked his beauty sleep and had a very strict routine which I was now interrupting.
"I need to go to the wedding," I blurted out, not even greeting him properly. I knew he'd understand though. He was my best friend, we were far beyond the point where we had to make idol pleasantries.
"Sorry, I have to go. There's a man."
"Ah, I understand. It's always a man."
"For you, yes." I laughed.
"Why, Sadie, are you suggesting I like men?"
"Suggesting would imply I had no knowledge of that," I teased.
"Tell me about him."
"I have nothing to tell," I replied honestly, fiddling with the pages of one of my books. I was glad Enrique couldn't see me, he'd take the piss out of me a little too much.
"Ah, love at first sight has finally got you in its grips."
"I wouldn't go that far."
"But you're willing to go against her wishes and break into the wedding?" He sounded so amused I wanted to smack the smug look from his face. I never would, but that didn't stop the urge.
"I wouldn't be breaking in," I pointed out.
"Yes, I know, but breaking in sounds so much more exciting."
I giggled. "Alright, okay, breaking in it is. But can you help me?"
"Of course, you can call me your fairy gay-mother."
"I don't think so," I replied instantly. It wasn't the first time he'd told the joke and I wished he'd stop. It wasn't as amusing as he thought it was.
"I won't help unless you say it," he countered.
I sighed. "Please help me, fairy gay-mother?" I crossed my fingers while I waited for his reply.
"Wish granted. Come down to the studio tomorrow at three."
"That can't possibly be enough time..."