Page 32 of Second Time's A Curse (Grimalkin Academy: Kittens 2)
"Yes. Unless we need anything else?"
I shake my head. "I'd rather just get on with this." I'm guessing the guys are already making their way there. I'm not sure because Daphne dealt with that part of the organisation so I could spend my time preparing.
I linger for an extra moment at the door to my room, waving at my kittens. I hope they'll still be here when I get back. That no matter what happens, my kittens are mine to keep.
"They'll be here," Daphne assures me. "They're living things, they're not just going to disappear."
"I hope you're right."
She closes my door for me. "I am."
I suppose even if she's not, I can't hold my life up just because of cute pets, even if I want to.
"Mona, this is just your nerves trying to convince you to back out."
A little part of me wants to accept she's right. But something is stopping me. There's more to this feeling than apprehension, but I can't put my finger on what it is.
We leave our flat, walking in silence through the academy. The sounds of students playing drinking games and doing their normal sociable things fill the halls, but there's no one actually about. It's too early for people to be heading towards the clubs and bars in the city, and too late for anyone but the most studious people to be coming back from lessons and studying.
The corridor on our left is covered in shadows, but I know we have to go down it still. That's the way to the library, and while there may be other ways of getting there, I don't know them.
"Well, look who we have here."
I stop at the sound of Ivy's voice, taking a deep breath and turning around. Daphne does the same behind me, and I'm glad I'm not facing Caspian's step-sister alone.
"What do you want, Ivy? We're busy." I tap my foot, hoping it convinces her that we're impatient about going somewhere fun and not off to do something illegal. The last thing we want is Ivy following us.
"Where are you going?" she demands.
"We're off to meet Daphne's brother." It's half the truth, and should be believable.
"At this time?" she sneers, but it doesn't sound as harsh as it should.
I raise an eyebrow. "What's wrong with us going to see him at seven? It's not late. And they're siblings," I point out.
"Dressed like that?"
I feel her eyes drag along my whole body, suddenly feeling rather self-conscious about my choice of attire. I don't want the guys to think I'm not putting in an effort for them.
"She can dress how she wants," Daphne snaps. "Why don't you just leave Mona be?"
"Because she's up to something, and I can tell. She has Caspian under her spell and I'm determined that's going to change," Ivy hisses.
Wow. I'm surprised she's admitting to any of that.
She raises one of her hands, and I notice the bottle of vodka she's clutching tightly in her other one. Ah. That's why she's admitted it.
"Not that my relationship with Caspian is any of your business, but he's aware of what he's in for," I say, channelling far more calm than I feel. "But should I watch my back in case you curse me again?"
Shock travels over her features, but the most noticeable thing is her silence.
"Bye, Ivy." Daphne gives a little sarcastic wave to go with her words, and I try to hold back the laugh within me.
Ivy's narrows her eyes at me, before huffing and turning away. Her hips swing as she moves, drawing my attention for a brief moment before I catch myself. With what I overheard Feathertop and her friend talking about, I can't help but wonder if I'm on to something thinking that Ivy might be at least part siren.
"Well, at least we know for sure she was the one that cast the original curse?" Daphne says.
"Yes. But with no way to prove it, I doubt it's going to help. I don't suppose she'll have bothered to learn the