Page 28 of Broken Illusions (Ashryn Barker 2)
They're both silent for a moment.
"I should get going," Bram says.
"I'll send someone for you if she takes a turn for the worse."
"Thank you, Remus," he says softly.
"You're welcome."
I listen as Bram leaves the room, the door closing behind him with a soft click.
A rustle, followed by a gentle hand at my temple, is all I need to know Remus has sat down on the bed just next to my prone form.
"Hey," I murmur.
"Hi," he replies. "I can't say I expected you and Bram to come back quite like you did," he says, laughing slightly.
"He's a good man," I protest.
"I know he is, Ashryn. There's never been much doubt in my mind about that. But he's always been such an angry man, that I was almost convinced he'd never change."
"He was angry," I acknowledge.
"What exactly happened while you were out?" He's certainly amused, I'll give him that.
"We ran. We were caught. We snuggled in a bunker. We ran. We got trapped. We fought. We ran." I check off the list on my fingers, and through my cracked eyes, I can see Remus' amusement.
"Sounds eventful. I'm sure you'll fill me in properly tomorrow. Before the meeting Dimitri's called, I hope."
I nod away. I certainly intend to tell him. He's as much a part of this as any of them. Or at least, he is in how much I trust him.
Another foreign concept to me. And yet, another one I'm also strangely comfortable with. My life has changed a lot, and definitely for the better.
"We're going to war."
"So I've heard." He smiles down at me while offering me a straw.
It takes me a moment to realise what the drink is, but as soon as I do, I clamp my lips around it and suck it down. The blood hits my tongue, and I instantly feel a little stronger. Not full kickass strength. Just enough so my eyes aren't as heavy anymore.
I push myself up so I'm seated, but Remus pushes me back down straight away.
"Lie back. You still need to rest, even with the blood."
I nod, and do as he says. The bed is particularly comfortable, I must admit.
Remus sets the cup to the side once I've finished, and rises to his feet.
"Goodnight, Ashryn," he says.
"Stay," I murmur, already feeling sleep creep up on me.
"Ashryn..." he starts to protest.
I'm not sure what's come over me, but I don't think I want to be alone.
"Okay." He perches back down on the bed, keeping a good distance between us.