Page 24 of Shadow Prophet (Scythe Grove Academy 2)
Fear flashes through me. Is Agent Fielding part of this? Could she have been working for the Shadow Association the entire time?
"See, we kept her here as soon as we realised she was dangerous," Ms Margery says, gesturing in my direction.
I frown. That doesn't make any sense. They're keeping me here because I won't behave the way they want me to, not for any other reason.
"Hmm. I see that." Fielding's expression is indecipherable, making it impossible to tell what she actually thinks.
She turns to me, a serious expression on her face.
I start to ask a question, but she gives a minute shake of head.
Confusion floods through me. What's going on here?
Fielding steps forward so she's blocking Ms Margery from view.
"Trust me," she mouthes at me, not making a sound.
I don't respond in case the wrong person sees.
"Syxe Weston, you're under arrest for the wrongful reaping of Erica Ferris..."
My eyes widen. Uh-oh. That's not good. What happened to Erica...
Trust her.
She's getting me out of here. Maybe.
"You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." She pulls a pair of handcuffs from her belt.
I gulp. I've heard about how uncomfortable supernatural handcuffs can be. They're supposed to block magic as well as holding hands secure.
But prison sounds preferable to being kept in a cult.
I hold out my hands.
Fielding doesn't waste any time clipping the handcuffs into place. They're tight, but not as much as I thought they'd be. And while I can feel an ever so faint tingle of power from them, the magic blocking isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe it's because I'm not actually trying to use my reaper powers.
"We need her scythe too," Agent Fielding says sternly.
"We can't let that get into the custody of humans," Ms Margery insists snidely.
Fielding pushes her hair back to expose her pointed ears. "Then it's a good job I work for a supernatural agency."
Ms Margery purses her lips but still gestures for one of the guards to fetch my scythe.
I have to admit to being relieved. I may not have had it for long, but being without it, even for a short amount of time, has been hard. I'll be glad to have it back in my grasp.
Except that I'm being arrested. I should probably focus on that more than my scythe. I'm not going to get many chances to hold it while I'm in a cell.
It seems prisoner is a good way to describe myself after. I wish the Leader was here so I could throw that in his face.
Maybe not the most gracious of responses on my part, but well deserved.
The man reappears with my scythe in his hands. One look at the way he's holding it and it's clear he isn't a reaper. I wish he was handling it better, but at least it's back within my sights again.
"Give it to my colleague, please," Fielding says, nodding to a man I don't recognise.