Page 14 of Shadow Prophet (Scythe Grove Academy 2)
Juliet's hand is in the air within seconds.
"Yes, Miss Dixon?"
"Why would we use the two reaper version when we can do it with one?"
"The two reaper move is for those cases where the ghost is too powerful and out of control for one reaper to port them. It's rare, but it does happen and it's better that you know how to deal with it. We're only going to be focusing on the solo move today."
She nods, clearly satisfied with his answer.
"All right, why don't you watch me for the solo move, then I want you all to try it while I take a walk around the grove and give you pointers," he says as he pulls his scythe off his back and gets himself into a stance I've seen him use several other times when teaching scythe work.
He sweeps his scythe towards the ground in one smooth motion, not unlike the gesture I've seen Mathias do in order to create a portal for the ghosts we've dealt with. But Mr Denzel's blade cuts lower, almost sweeping along the ground. I guess it makes sense, that's where the ghost's tether must be.
"All right, why don't you try?" he instructs after demonstrating a few more times.
My mouth is dry with nerves as I take my position. My scythe is suddenly heavier than it's ever been, despite the lack of ghosts in the area. If I get this wrong, all that happens is that I need to try again. I don't need to be perfect. No one is relying on this.
I take a deep breath and sweep my scythe in a downward arc.
A misjudgement in the amount of space I need sends my blade crashing into the ground. Pain lances through my arm and I cry out, dropping my scythe in the process. It falls to the floor with a gentle thud while I cradle my arm in my other hand.
Mathias sets his scythe aside and rushes over to me. "Are you okay, Syxe?" He reaches out as if he's going to touch me.
I pull back. "I'm fine. Just a shock," I mutter.
I bend down to pick up my scythe, the pain already subsiding.
An odd expression pulls at his features, as if he's realised I'm not best pleased with him.
I get back into position, ignoring the hurt glances Mathias is sending my way and trying not to feel too guilty about them. He's the one that started all of this, I'm just trying to protect myself from ending up even more hurt.
I try the move again, this time managing to bring the blade closer to the ground. Relief floods through me. I'm not completely incompetent at least. Just to be sure it isn't some kind of beginner's luck, I repeat it a few more times. I know I can't be sure whether or not I've got it completely right until I have to use it in real life. Though from what Mr Denzel says about it, I hope that's never. I don't want to be the reaper who forcibly splits a ghost from the world, even if that's the best thing for it.
"You've got good form, Miss Weston," the teacher says as he stops by the two of us. "But you need to put a little less swing into your movements. Watch Mr Carey for a moment." He directs my attention to Mathias.
Mathias tries to smile at me, but I can see the uneasiness beneath it. He isn't sure of what's happening between us anymore. At least that makes two of us.
"All right, Mr Carey, please do the move again," Mr Denzel instructs.
Mathias nods and spreads his feet ready to bring down the scythe. I don't need anyone pointing out the difference between what the two of us did, I can see it.
Mr Denzel nods knowingly. "I'd hazard a guess that Mr Carey is the porter in your team," he says.
"Don't you know that from the files?" I ask, more curious than anything.
"If I looked at that part, yes," our teacher responds. "But I prefer not to know. It ensures I don't overlook someone who is struggling just because I assume they'll find it easier because of their role as a porter, or overlook those who do well despite being seers."
"Why are seers worse at this?" I try not to be hurt by his statement, especially when I have no control over which kind of reaper I am. I'm a seer because that's what I was born as. At least, that's my understanding of how it works.
"It's not always the case," Mr Denzel assures me. "But for the most part, porters are more used to using their scythes like this. It's not that they're better in the end, it's just that they already use more of the skills in their day to day reaping."
"Oh." That actually makes sense, but for some reason, I'm a little disappointed by that.
"But you're heading in the right direction," he tells me. "Just focus on less of a swing, and you'll get there. You're doing a great job so far."
"Thank you."