Page 23 of Shadow Seer (Scythe Grove Academy 1)
"We need to leave our scythes at the front desk," Mathias says as we enter the library.
"That makes sense." But I don't like it. I may not have owned a scythe for longer than a few hours, but I'm already growing attached to it.
"It's fine, the librarian is used to it."
"That explains why I've never seen any reapers here." If they leave their scythes at the front desk, they'll just look like everyday humans and anyone not in the know will be none the wiser.
"You've probably seen lots without realising it."
"That's what I assumed."
We approach the front desk where a portly woman sits. A broad smile spreads over my face as I recognise her. It's barely been a week since I was last here, but somehow, it feels longer. Perhaps because so much has happened in that time.
"Hi, Lisa," I say, waving awkwardly.
"Syxe, how are you? I was saying to Rita earlier that we haven't seen you in a few days," she responds.
"I'm good, thanks. I've been getting settled at Scythe Grove." I gesture to the scythe on my back by way of explanation.
Her eyes widen. "I had no idea you were a reaper."
"Neither did I. It was a bit of a surprise."
Mathias slips off his scythe and hands it to Lisa who gets to her feet to take it from him. I do the same, realising I'm holding up the situation.
"I actually have a letter for you," Lisa says. "Let me grab it as I put these away." She lifts our scythes through to the backroom.
"A letter?" Who could be writing to me? I don't think I know anyone who would do that. I wrote a letter to the Shadow Association explaining where I was and how they could reach me, if they really needed me, they'd have sent something there.
"Here you go." Lisa hands me a small white envelope.
"Thank you."
"I'll see you in a bit. Good luck finding whatever it is you need," she says, waving us through to the main part of the library.
"Who is that from?" Mathias asks once it's just the two of us again.
"No idea." I flip it open, my heart sinking at the circular stamp with the letter S inside it, a shadowy one right behind it.
I was wrong about the Association. They haven't gone about things the way I thought they would. For some reason, that makes me more uncomfortable than it should.
"Would you mind setting us up at one of the computers while I have a moment?" My voice is thick, the sound distorted by the lump in my throat.
He hesitates for a moment, clearly not wanting to leave me alone to deal with whatever this is.
"Of course." He still doesn't seem convinced, but he heads over to the line of computers at the far end of the room and takes a seat. He's still keeping an eye on me, but it's enough privacy for what I need.
I tear open the envelope, not being particularly careful about its contents. The neat type of the letter makes it particularly impersonal, but that's something I've come to expect from the place I used to call home.
Your presence is required for the Shadow Oath ceremony on the fifth of next month. Your enrollment at Scythe Grove Academy will come to an end when you partake in it.
This is not a request.
The Shadow Association