Page 7 of Witch's Spark
“Would you like to come for dinner tonight?” Reese asked after a pause.
“What?” She responded far more sharply than she intended, but his question had taken her well and truly off guard. Dinner? That was almost date sounding.
“Dinner. The meal at the end of the day, where three people can sit down and talk?” He chuckled, clearly amused by her confusion.
“But why?” She would admit to the confusion. Why should this man want her to come around for dinner? And he’d said three, which suggested Faye would be there too. Then again, she could think of far worse situations to be in than dinner with the blonde and the owner of the voice at the end of the phone.
“Call it a hunch, but I think it’ll be a good idea,” Reese said, and she could almost hear the shrug he was surely doing as he did so. “Plus, you have Faye’s phone, she’s probably panicking about not having it already.”
“Oh, right, yes.”
“Is that a yes to dinner?” he asked, still sounding amused.
“Yes.” The word slipped out before she really intended it to, but even so, it felt right. There was just something about him, about the situation, that was calling to her.
“Good. See you at seven?”
“See you then, Penny.” She liked the way her name sounded from him, almost so much that she nearly forgot one, key, piece of information.
“Where am I coming to?”
“I’ll text you.”
“You don’t have my number.”
“I’ll text Faye’s,” he pointed out and she made an odd noise. She wasn’t sure how she felt about reading the other woman’s texts, even if it was accidental. “Don’t worry, there’s nothing shocking on there,” Reese said, chuckling away to himself.
“Are you sure?”
“I should hope so, we’ve been together since we were five.”
Her heart sank, she hadn’t expected that. Maybe a year or so, but even if the two of them were in their early twenties, and it was difficult to tell with paranormals anyway, then they’d been together for nearly two decades. She wasn’t sure how she was going to reveal that she knew they were paranormals. Outing someone’s species was generally frowned upon. Yet one more curse her kind had to endure. They could tell what someone was, just by looking at them. Faye had reeked of witch, meaning Reese was likely paranormal too. He’d have to be for them to have been together that long.
“Okay. Thanks,” she muttered.
“Seven, Penny. At the address I send you.”
“You got it,” she replied half-heartedly. She wasn’t sure how she was going to get through dinner. She had to go. She could feel the pull to go. But watching the two of them together was going to be painful.
“I look forward to it,” he said, before hanging up the phone.
Penny shook her head, before pulling the phone away from her ear and staring at it. Within seconds, it lit up, and she eagerly swiped across the screen, despite the sadness welling up inside her. She was a sucker for pain it seemed.
Except that the message wasn’t from Reese. Instead, it was from someone called Mia. Penny tried to click off it, she didn’t want to intrude into Faye’s messages, but something about it caught her attention: Have you tried the potion yet? ;-) x
Definitely a witch then. Penny had already been certain of that. But what kind of potion was this Mia referring to? Maybe it was a love potion, and Reese wasn’t actually Faye’s mate, but rather someone who just thought he was. She was sure it didn’t actually work like that, but hope welled up inside Penny.
So much so, that the moment Reese’s text with the actual address popped up, she was in her car and planning what she was wearing for the evening. All she needed to do now, was find it. And then get through the following three hours until it was time for them to have dinner. And find out some answers. She hoped, anyway.
Chapter Six
What had Reese been thinking? The words had been going round and round in Faye’s head ever since the redhead sat opposite her had arrived. At least she had her phone back? But that was hardly any consolation given the circumstances. Namely that she couldn’t keep her eyes off the woman. Penny. Her name was Penny.
It suited her. Probably due to the coppery shade of her hair. Or maybe she was good luck, and all Faye had to do was pick her up. She laughed softly to herself, drawing a curious look from Reese. She dismissed it. Let him be curious, he’d brought this situation on himself when he’d invited someone for dinner without actually checking with her first. Not that she’d have been able to say no. She couldn’t, and didn’t want, to deny Reese anything. Especially with so much being off limits to them anyway.
“Can you pass the salt please?” Penny asked, smiling sweetly. Both Reese and Faye reached for the salt pot, that was seated half way between them. Their fingers brushed, and Faye sucked in a deep breath, preparing herself for the shooting pain that was to come. Except it didn’t. Of course it didn’t. She hadn’t felt any pain at all since yesterday. They’d touched briefly again before bed the night before, and then again in the morning, just to check whether or not it’d been a fluke. Faye wasn’t sure whether she was glad it wasn’t, or annoyed. Reese still felt pain, so what was the point? She now wanted to touch him even more, but knew she couldn’t because it’d hurt him.