Page 14 of Witch's Spark
“Yes. We’re off to see Isabella,” Faye responded, causing Reese to grown. He knew the necromancer from high school, and they’d never really got on. “Oh, don’t look at me like that, Reese. She’s grown up since school.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Alright, maybe not. But she’s the best shot we have since Damien went rogue.”
“I’d hardly call what he’s doing ‘going rogue’, Faye.” Or at least, it wasn’t in Reese’s book. After the Necromancer Council had been suspended, an odd sort of martial law had come into effect for them. Damien’s part in that was to chase down the kind of necromancers who’d caused the issue in the first place. In other words, the ones who killed people. Or reanimated the unwilling dead. Although, how the dead could be willing was another matter.
“The point is moot.” She waved her hand to dismiss the conversation. “Isabella is our chance for answers.”
“I feel like I’m missing something,” Penny muttered.
“We’re off to see a necromancer,” Faye answered sweetly.
“An immature necromancer,” he muttered.
“Reese!” Faye admonished. She turned so she was just facing Penny. “She’s really not that bad. Most of the time anyway.”
Reese’s shifter hearing picked up Penny’s gulp. He felt for her. She had no idea what she was in for.
Chapter Eleven
Penny looked at the surprisingly plain front door, and frowned. It wasn’t what she’d expected when the other two had started on about a necromancer. She’d been expecting dark and dingy. Maybe with a haunted house vibe. Certainly animal skeletons littering the garden. Instead, she got nothing more than a white picket fence.
“Are we in the right place?” Her voice shook as she asked.
“Yes. Isabella’s family has lived here since we were at school.” Faye looked up at the sky, and Penny followed her gaze, spotting a speck of black getting ever closer to them. “Ah, here he is.”
“Is that...?”
“In the feather,” Faye replied with a light laugh.
The bird landed on Faye’s shoulder and cocked its head.
“Hi, Reese,” Penny said, feeling a little silly talking to a bird, even if the bird was part of her mate. One of her mates.
Reese chirped at her, assumedly in greeting, before turning to Faye and making a series of sounds she could only describe as irritated.
“No, Reese. I left your clothes at the café because I thought sending you in to meet Isabella completely naked. Although...the plan does have some merits. What do you reckon, Penny?” A smirk played at the corner of Faye’s mouth.
To Penny’s surprise, she had to smother a laugh. “I think it’s a great idea.” The words slipped out before she realised what she was saying. Faye’s part-smirk turned into a beaming smile.
“Here, you daft bird.” She handed him a small bag, which he grasped in his beak, before flapping off and into a dark secluded space.
Disappointment that he’d actually be fully dressed surprised Penny. That wasn’t normally her reaction to anyone.
Reese appeared moments later, his hair looking slightly ruffled. He strode up to Penny and kissed her gently on the lips. He pulled away, and repeated the action with Faye. It was the first time she’d seen them kiss since accepting they were her mates, and she was only a little surprised at the lack of jealousy within her. Even more so by how she was already feeling less like the two of them were a couple with her on the outside. She knew that would’ve sunk in with time, but she hadn’t expected it quite so soon.
“I thought about not kissing you in punishment...” he started, his eyes a lot softer than his words implied they’d be.
“But that’s too cruel,” Faye finished for him, her face lighting up in a smile.
“It would be yes. We’ve had too much time wasted for us.”
“Sorry,” Penny muttered.
“No!” Faye’s instant reply came. “Never be sorry for something outside your control. There’s a reason we’ve met when we have, and that doesn’t have anything to do with it being your fault.”