Page 13 of Witch's Potion
“Proof of w-what though?” Robert stuttered. If Felix hadn’t been worried before, then he certainly was now.
“I want proof of Rebecca’s powers. Or if not hers, Amelia’s or Faye’s. That family is hiding something and I want to know what it is.” Skyler’s voice was cold, and Felix hated the way he said Mia’s full name. Almost like he held her in contempt. Things were not looking good, they were not looking good at all.
“Powers? What are you on about?” Robert sounded a bit stronger this time. Meaning that Robert was clueless about Bex’s true nature. He didn’t know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.
“Anything unusual, potions, foresight, magic.” Skyler’s tone curled in contempt around the last word, which just made the whole thing even more curious. What the hell was going on with Skyler?
“Are you suggesting that Bex is a—”
“A witch. I’m not suggesting it. I’m aware of it. I just need proof. Which is where you come in.” Dread found itself a spot in Felix’s stomach, this wasn’t good for Mia. And he needed to protect Mia at every opportunity.
> “Me?” Robert squeaked, and if he’d said more, then Felix imagined that his stutter would have returned. This was nothing like the brash, confident friend that he’d come to know and kind of hate. This was a broken man.
“Yes. You’re married to Rebecca now. You have a reason to be in every aspect of her life. Find me something.”
“But Bex has done nothing wrong,” Robert protested.
“Yet she’s the reason we have your daughter.” Felix could imagine Skyler’s sadistic grin as he said the words and his heart sank. He hadn’t even realised that Robert had a daughter, but he could imagine having her held over his head wasn’t a good thing. Hell, when Felix had a daughter, he’d do anything to protect her. Anything.
“You want Bex in return for her?” He sounded sad.
“No, I want all of the Thornheart witches for her. And you’re going to get them for us.”
“Yes, all. There are six in case you’re wondering.” Felix frowned to himself. Three of the witches were clearly Mia and her two sisters, but who were the other three? And what was Thornheart? he’d have to ask Mia later. In a way that didn’t freak her out about the fact someone seemed to be out to get her. No challenge there at all.
“Or what, you’ll kill me?” Robert sounded a bit stronger this time.
“No Robert. If you don’t get them, we’ll kill your daughter. In front of you. Slowly.” Skyler laughed, a hollow sound that had Felix convinced he was finding some kind of sadistic pleasure from this.
“Okay, I’ll get them for you,” Robert said, his voice cracking with unvoiced emotion. Something needed doing to stop this. Robert might not be a good person all of the time, but even he deserved a chance to be happy, and a chance to know his daughter.
Chapter Thirteen
“Why’ve you brought me here Mia?” Bex asked, her misery tainting her words and increasing the guilt Mia felt over not working harder to convince her not to get married. She’d cocked up massively, but had been too engrossed in Skyler to do much more. She shivered, thinking about her and Felix’s realisation that she’d probably been under a love potion the entire time. There was an irony there, she was sure, but there was nothing she could do about it now.
“I thought you’d want these.” Mia held out the two necklace boxes that Felix had got for her earlier. To her surprise, Bex shook her head.
“I don’t want them.”
“I don’t want them, Mia. Give them to Faye and see if one will open for her and Reese.”
“It won’t,” Faye said as she walked into the small room off the side of the great hall. Mia gave her younger sister a questioning look, to which she waved a dismissive hand. “Please, the two of you disappear, I’m going to follow. You should know that by now.” Mia had to admit that she had a point. It was what she’d been doing since they were children after all.
“But you were so upset about it not opening earlier,” Mia said.
“I wasn’t upset about that,” Bex bit back. Faye placed a comforting hand on her arm, but didn’t say anything. Neither did Mia. It wasn’t the time right now. “I was upset because it did open for you. I knew it wouldn’t open for me.”
“Reagan told me.” Mia’s mouth fell open. She’d never really considered that Reagan might have talked to Bex about this kind of thing. “And she said that I had to marry Robert if I stood any chance of saving us.”
“Saving us, Bex?” Faye asked softly.
“I don’t know any more, that’s all Rea would say. But there’s something about a Coven and our grandmothers, but she hasn’t seen more. I’m sure you’ve heard what the sight is like.” Mia nodded. The sight was a touchy subject for witches. Only some of them had it, and Reagan was one of the lucky few. Even her brother didn’t seem to share the power, but according to his mate, his gut feelings were to be listened to under all circumstances. She liked that about Eira. She was laid back and forthcoming, even if she was asked about the fact that she had three mates. It sounded like fun to Mia, but also like a lot of hard work.